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9A unitl完成句子 A 1. 我确定这台电脑没问题。 I am sure the computer. 2. 他不矢口道 Jim 来 自哪里。He doesnt know. 3. 你应该认真听讲而不是朝窗外看。 You should listen carefully the window. 4. 紫色穿在女孩身上很好看。 Purple girls./ Girls Purple 5. 老师经常告诉我们考试时务必多关注一些细节。 The teacher often tells us that some details must when we take exams. 6. 我们学校的实验室每天保持得井井有条。 The laboratories in our school every day. 1. There is nothing wrong with 2. where Jim is from 3. instead of looking out of 4. looks good on /look good in 5. be paid attention to 6. are kept in good order 1. 他发现做出这道题目很容易 He found the problem. 2. 没完没了的考试常常使我感到有点压力的。 Endless exams often make me. 3跳舞者常常被建议多吃蔬菜来保持苗条。 Dancers keep slim. 4可以肯定的是,他的决定取决于他父母的帮助和支持。 It was certain that help and support. 1. it easy to work out 2. feel a little bit stressed 3. are often advised to eat more vegetables to 4. his decision depends on his parents9 c 1. 当我心情低落时,我写了一首歌给自己打气。 When I, I wrote a song. 2. 当你感到悲伤时,你应该穿像橙色这样的暖色。 When you feel sad, you should. 3. 当他们生气的时候,大卫能帮助他们平静下来。 David can when they are angry. 4. 时间所剩无几,恐怕我们得尽快做出决定了。 Theres little time left. Im afraid we have to. 5. 我哥哥说电影爱情公寓让他想起了和舍友在一起的日子。 My brother said the film Apartment of love he spent with his roommates. 6. 我们学习过去,体验现在,展望未来的成功。 We learn from the past, experience the present and in the future. 1. was in a bad mood / to cheer myself up 2. wear warm colors like orange 3.calm them down 4. make a decision as soon as possible 5. reminded him of the days 6. hope for success 1. 你想知道颜色是如何改变情绪并改善我们的生活 Are you wondering how and 2. 我们保证这种疗法可以帮助你改变情绪,否则全额退款。 We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, 3. 昨天这个男生保证上学不再迟至M The boy promised. 4. 有些人相信颜色在很多方面能够改变我们的日常生活。 Some people believe that. 1. Colors change our moods improve our lives 2. or you will get all your money back 3. not to be late for school yesterday 4. colors can change our daily life in many ways E 1. 我们晚饭后可以出去散步而不是在家看电视 We can go out for a walk after supper. 2. 西蒙不确定那条绿色的裤子是否和他的鞋子相配。 Simon is not certain 3. 我不确定是否我们应该使用蓝色来使我们感到放松。 Im not sure 4. 我不知道他是否已经来学校了。 I dont know or not. 5. 我很高兴他们的友好行为已经在许多方面影响了我们的日常生活。 Im glad that their friendly actions in many ways. 1. Instead of watching TV at home 2. whether the green trousers match his shoes 3. if we should use blue to make us feel relaxed 4. whether he has arrived at school 5. have influenced our daily life


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