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Unit2单元复习检测题 _、短语复习 1.给出指令 2.无与伦比的狗 3.有时间做某事 4.送给你 张他的照片 5.推迟 6.分发 7.在博物馆做导游 8.立刻 9.照顾;非常喜欢 10.参加选拔 11.修理;装饰 12.赠送13.像 14.改变我的生活 15.影响;有作用 16.家长热线 17.在食物银行 18.志愿者活动日 19.在医院看望生病的孩子 20.每人给十个同学打电话 21.理解英语单词. 22,找到梦寐以求的工作 23.张强烈的满足感 24.他们主人脸上的喜悦表情 25.独立阅读 26.课外阅读项目27.梦想成真 28.同时 29.流浪汉 30.筹钱 31.不再 32.和相似 33.动 物助手 34.像我一样的残疾人 35.使成为可能 36.普通的事 情 37.特别训练的狗 38....的主意 39.六个月的训练后 40.因为你的善心 二、句子复习 1. 他决定尝试做名志愿者。She decided for a volunteer. 2. 她想帮助无家可归的人。He wants people. 3. 你可以请求医生让你看望那儿的孩子以使他们高兴起来。 You could ask hospitals you the kids and. 4. 我正在做一些标语张贴在学校附近。I m making some signs around the school. 5. 她曾是个护士。She a nurse. 6. 我们不能推迟制定计划。We can* t a plan. 7. 你能想出办法来修那个风筝吗 Can you a way to mend the bike 8. 她正在医院里照顾她生病的妈妈。She sin the hospital. 9. 你可以把这些广告张贴在墙上。You can these advertisements on the wall. 10. 我觉得物理很难但我不想放弃它。I think physics is very difficult ,but I dont want to. 11. 我希望我的梦想能够实现。I hope that my dream can. 12. 此刻我妈妈吗正在做晚饭。Mom dinner at the moment. 13. 比尔为找到好工作而担心。Bill is a good job. 14. 我们建立起一个组织来帮助残疾人。They a group to help. 15. 你帮助我,使我拥有Lucky”成为可能。You helped to make for me lucky. 16. 谢谢你帮我解决困难。Thanks me. 17. 他想出的那个主意很奏效。The idea that he thought up. 18. 我期待着我的笔友能尽快来信。I mhearing from my pen pal as soon as possible. 19. 会后他们不得不打扫房间。They had to the room after the meeting. 20. 我的钱用完了,你能接给我一些吗 F vemy money. Can you lend me some 21. 他很孤独,没有人会帮助他。He was, and nobody help him. 22. 在十岁时,他可以独自完成那工作。He could finish the job the age of 10. 23. 你能做你喜欢做的,同时你可以帮助别人。You can do you love to do and help others at the 24. 现在我正忙于学习。We are our studies. 25. 他的话对我有很大的影响。His wordsto me. 26. 那封信告诉了我们许多的困难。The tells us many. 27. 谢谢你为这些盲人搬东西。Thank you for things for these poeple. 28. 我的一个朋友帮助我脱离了困境。A friend of me . 29. 你可以帮助那些残疾的孩子。You are alsohelp the children. 30.你可以张贴一些广告来寻求帮助。You can some notices to help. 三、句型转换。(没空一词) 1. He has used up his money.(改为同义句)He has his money. 2. The girl is similar to her mother.(改为同义句)The girl her mother. 3. My father repaired my bike.(改为同义句)My father my bike 4. They wanted to make Henry happy.(改为同义句)They wanted to Henry. 5. Li Lei gave away his old clothes to chairty.(改为一般疑问句) __ Li Lei away his old clothes to chairty 6. Can you come up with a good way to learn English well (改为同义句)Can you a good way to learn English well 7. She often helps us with our English.(改为同义句)She often us English. 8. He was a farmer in the past.(改为同义句)He a farmer before. 9. She often has a walk by herself.(改为同义句)She often a walk. 10. There are many difference between A and B.(改为同义句) A B. 11. They can, t help me now.(改为同义句)They aren, t help me now. 12. What else do you want to buy(改为同义句)would you like to buy 13. He is good at writing.(改为同义句)He is writing. 14. F d like to help people who don, t have home.(改为同义句) r d like to help. 15. The headmaster saw the children playing on the playground.(变为复合句)The headmaster saw the children on the playground. 四、阅读短文,并用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) A m


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