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7B Unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲 一、词仑 且或短语 序号 Chinese English 1 乘火箭 by rocket 2 像往常一样 as usual 3 在出生时 at birth 4 害怕 be frightened be afraid 5 转过来 turn around 6 自言自语 say to oneself 7 巧遇某人 run into sb run into sb. meet sb. 8 有毒 be poisonous 9 充满;装满..... be full of be filled with 10 用脚尖走 walk on tiptoe 11 照顾某人 look after sb take care of sb 好好照顾某人 look after sb. well take good care of sb. 12 下个周日(常用于过时态中) the following/next Sunday (之前不放介词) 13 爱好音乐 be fond of music 爱好听音乐 be fond of listening to music 14 听上去像 it sounds/sounded like 15 一个用功的学生 a hard-working student 16 在某人去上学的路上 on ones way to school 在某人回家的路上 on ones way home 17 叫醒某人 wake sb.up (代词放中间) 18 练习做某事 practise doing sth 19 轮流做某事 take turns to do sth 20 把某物还给某人 return sth to sb give sth. back to sb. 21 资料单 fact sheet 22 钥匙扣 key ring 23 大象的体重 the weight of an elephant 24 属于某人 belong to sb. (sb 用宾格) 25 某事发生在某人身上 sth. happened to sb. 26 在某人一生中 during ones life 在我们的一生中 during our lives (life 的复数) 27 一直活150年 live up to 150 years 28 它们的每只眼睛 each of their eyes 29 在陆地上 on land 在水中 in water 30 在水里飘 float in water 31 活着的动物 the living animals 32 丢失了钱 lose ones money 33 对某事很疯狂 be crazy about sth 一 be crazy about football 对做某事很疯狂 be crazy about doing sth 一 be crazy about playing foo由all 34 不寻常的东西 something unusual (常用于肯定句) 任何不寻常的东西 anything unusual (常用于否定句和疑问句) 35 过来;得啦;好啦 come on 36 从地球旅行到月球 travel from the earth to the moon 37 仔细地听 listen carefully 38 发出像的声音 make a sound like... 39 动物中心 the animal center 40 那天稍晚的时候 later that day 41 在历史上 in history 42 (狗)朝某人叫 bark at sb. 43 最危险的动物 the most dangerous animal 44 在白天 in the daytime 在晚上 at night in the night 45 饭后 after a meal 46 了解更多关于 learn more about... 47 在海底 on the sea bed 48 在泥泞中 in the mud 49 再也不...;不再... not... any more 50 像...一样好 as well/good as... 51 两只狗的婚礼 a wedding of two dogs 二、重点句子及句型 1. ★★Do you know that fish sleep with their eyes open你知道吗鱼是睁着眼睛 睡觉的 2. ★★You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. 你做不到在打喷嚏的同时睁着眼睛。 3. ★★Theres no plant life without lightning.没有闪电就没有植物的生命。 4. Is anybody there有人在那里吗 5. Millie told Andy everything.米莉把一切都告诉了安迪。 6. They were still frightened.他们仍然感到害怕。 7. They were surprised to see the “ghost”.他们很惊讶看到这个“鬼 8. They were not afraid of animals any more.他们再也不害怕动物了。 9. Simon is crazy about football.西蒙对足球很狂热。 10. Sandy is fond of music.桑迪喜欢音乐。 11. There were very few foods that Millie dislikes.几乎没有米莉不喜欢的食物。 12. What a beautiful flower it isHow beautiful the flower is多美的花啊 13. One frog like this has enough poison to kill about 2200 people.这样的一只青蛙有足 够的毒液可以杀死大约两千两百人。 14. A baby panda is only 100 grams at birtho 初生的大熊猫只有一百克左右。 15. The most dangerous animal is the mosquito.最危险的动物是蚊子。 16. A kangaroo needs its tail for pushing off.袋鼠需要它的尾巴来推离(地面)。 17. The tallest man in history was 2.6m ta


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