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PEP四年级下册复习总汇 UINT1 会写的单矛computer(计算机)board(写字板)fan(风扇)light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)my(我的)that(那;那个)your(你的)teachers desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片)wall(墙壁)floor(地板)yes(是;是的) it(它) 会写的句子 1 .This is my computer 2.That is your computer. 会认的词组和短语| water the flowers(浇花) read a story book(读故事 书 eat some noodles(吃面条)Hand in the home work(交作业)play football(踢足球) Lefs go and have a look, talk about UNIT 2 谈论 会写的单词 one( ) two() three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(-t) eight(八) nine(九)ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) 会认的句子 1.一 Where is the canteen 2- ow many students are there in your class Ifs on the first floor. There are forty -five . 3.- Do you have a library 4.- Welcome to our school This way, please. Yes,I do. Your school is beautiful. 5. We have a new computer room. 6. Is this the library Lets go there.Yes,it is. 7. Whats on it ifsit is (它是)...oclock]点钟)math(数学)Chinese]语 文)English(英语) P.E.(体育)music(音乐)for(为;给)class(课程) 会写的句子 1. What time is it Ifs two oclock. 2. Ifs 945. Ifs time for math class. 会认的词组和短语|drink some milk(喝牛奶)have some chicken (吃鸡 肉) eat some rice (吃米饭) J ump and run (跳跳跑跑)read and write (读 读写写) sing and dance (唱唱跳跳) youre correct (你对了) get up (起床) go to school (上学)go home(回家)go to bed(睡觉)wake up(醒 来) late for school (上学迟到) hurry up (快点)be proud of 以而自豪 会认的句 |l .Ifs time for English class.Ifs time to go to school. 2. School is over.3.Just a minute. 4. Can I have a try5. Look at my clock. 6. Breakfast is ready UINT3 会写的单词| jacket(夹克衫)shirt(衬衫)skirt(裙子) dress(连 衣裙) T-shirt(T 恤衫) 色的) white(白色的) 色) red(红色的)blue(蓝色的)yellow(黄色的)green(绿 no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜 |会写的句另 1. Is this your skirt 2. What colour is it 会认的词组和短语| pass me(给我) T-shirt (穿上 T 恤) hanci up vour skirt (晾你有短裙) fold vour dress (叠好你有长裙) No, its not. Ifs white. my shirt (我的衫衣)put on vour Take off vour jacket (脱掉你有夹克) wash vour clothes (洗你的衣服) Look at these(看这些) 见) too earlv (太早了) look like (看起来像) -Ifs my T-shirt, baby -Our neighbour has a new put awav vour sweater (收好你的毛衣)So many colours(那么多颜色) Fashion show (时装展)see you later (一会 Just wait and see (等着瞧)newspaper(报纸) ifs ones turn (该轮到某人了)find out (找出) 会认的句子 1.1 like the white sweater with the green skirt. 2. . Whose is it3 what for 4. Whose is this 5. You look great. --Its your baby brothers UNIT 4 会写的单词|warm(暖和的)cold(寒冷的)cool(凉爽的)today(今 天)jeans件仔裤) shoes(鞋子) snowy(下雪的) 2. Ifs cool. 4. Is it cold have to (必需) letslet us(让我们) sunny(晴朗的) Yes, it is / No, it close the pants(长裤)socks(袜子) play(玩;踢)football(足球) 会写的句字]1 .Its warm today. 3. Lets play football, isnt. 会认的词组和短语| Come on(跟上) window(关窗户) Open up the umbrella(撑开伞)hold on to your hat (抓好你的帽子) put on your sunglasses (戴上你的太阳眼镜) Put on your boots (穿上 靴子) take your rain coat (带上雨衣)weather report (天气预报) 会认的句子 1. This is the weather report.2. Can I wear my new shirt to


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