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8AUnit6词组、句型及语法复习提纲 一、词组或短语 1 自然灾害natural disasters 2 全身湿透be/get all wet 3 将拖干净代词放中间 mop・・・up 4 将冲走代词放中间wash--away 5 输掉比赛 lose the game 6 好几千人成千上万的人thousands of people 7 猛烈地撞到上crash into 8 引起一场大的火灾start/cause a big fire 9 惊恐地处于恐惧之中in fear 10 地下的炸弹 bombs below/under the ground 11 从.上掉下来/摔下来 fall off fall down from 二drop from 倒下、掉下 fall down 跌倒、绊倒 fall over 倒下 come down fall 12 朝四面八方跑去 run in all directionsrun in every directionrun wildly 13 跑出../跑进. run out of /run into 14尽某人最大努力做某事try/doone s best notto do sth. 15镇定下来、平静下来calm down 16 最后 finally at last in the end 17 结束 be over end 18 被困住 be trapped 19 自言自语 say to oneself 20 片刻的恐惧 a moment of fear 21 大声求救 shout/call/scream for help 22 至U 处everywhere here and there 23 没有任何吃的东西have nothing to eat 24 兴奋的叫声 excited shouts 25 急匆匆地去干某事 be in a great hurry to do sth,do sth in a hurry/hurriedlyhurry to do sth 26 27 28 29 30 降一点点 大约7度 变得更坏 找借口 make 31 32 33 34 叫某人(不要)做某事 建议某人(不要)做某事 警告某人(不要)做某事 命令某人(不要)做某事 把.搬走(代词放中间) 精神紧张be nervous 经历地震后而存活下来 听起来像sound like***. drop a little 降到零下 5 度 drop to -5C be around 7 C become/get worse excuses / make an excuse tell/ask sb. not to do sth. advise sb. not to do sth. warn sb. not to do sth. order sb. not to do sth. move ,,away survive the earthquake 35 天气预报 weather forecast 锁门 lock the door 36 跑下楼 run down the stairs 38将(电器)打开/关闭turn on/off 将(电器音量)调高/调低turn up/down 39 走出教室 walk out of the classroom 40 一个接一个 one by one one after another 41 一个事故报告an accident report 42 打 电话给 110 热线call the 110 hotline call 110 for help 43 到达时间the time of arrival 44 (严重)受伤(系表结构) be (badly/seriously) hurt 45 着火 catch fire be on fire 46 警方(集体名词)the police 47 在风中 in the wind 48除了做某事外不能做任何事do nothing but do sth.(前面do不以是别的动词,后面 do可以是任何动词,但必须是原形) 49 朝.外看/朝.里看 look out of・・・./ look into*** 50 继续做 (同一件)事 continue to do sth. continue doing sth. go on doing sth. go on with sth. 51 用.将.盖起来cover・・・with・・・...被..覆盖起来,,..be covered with 二、重点句子及句型 ★ l.Who s going to mop it up if you don t come with me 2. A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs. ★3.A coach crashed into a tree last night. ★4. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. ★5.People looked at each other in fear. ★6.People ran in all directions. They didn t know where to go. 7.Some people ran out of the shopping centre. I tried my best to run out to the street, too. ★8.People ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to come down too. ★9.A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. ★ ★lO.People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. ★ 11.He survived the earthquake in 1999. 12.lt sounded like bombs under the ground. ★ ★13.It rained heavily last night. There was a heavy rain last night. It will be snowy tomorrow. It will snow tomorrows There will be


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