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高考英语求助信写作指导 英语求助信写作指导 一、求助信的文体简介与框架 求助信是当个人遇到一些自己无法解决的问题或困难时向别人请求帮 助的一种书信。应该遵照英文书信的格式,表达出自己希望得到的急 切心理和诚意。 通常包括三部分内容 1)表明写信目的,请求帮助。 2)要清晰陈述请求帮助的具体内容或具体困难。 3)表达希望得到帮助(必要的时候留下联系方式)。注意语气委婉 真诚,并要向收信人表示感谢。 二、运用规范的语言 求助信有其自身的特色语言,在行文的每一个环节也有一些常用的句 型。 1. 求助信开头的表达句式 1 2 I’ m writing to ask for/get some he Ip. I’ m writing to ask whether you can gi ve me he Ip. 3 I’m sorry that have to ask a favor of you, with the hope that you wi I I be k i nd to he Ip me. 4 Sorry to bother you but I reaI Iy get some prob Iems recent Iy. 5 make bo Id to wr i te th i s Ietter to ask you to do me a favor. 2. 描述困难的经典句式 1 But I have met some difficulties with/i n 2 But unfortunate Iy, I’ m encounter i ng difficulty in・・・ 3 Faced wi th/Fac i ng so much d i ff i cuIty, I have to ask you for some he Ip. 4 I face the ohoi ce between・・・and.・・ 5 It5 s rea I I y hard for me to dec ide/dea I with ■■■ 6 I need your he Ip because 3. 表达希望得到帮助的句型 1 Expect i ng your writing back soon. 2 Look i ng forward to/Hop i ng for your ear Iy rep Iy. 3 Your k i nd ear Iy rep Iy wi I I be highly apprec i ated. 4 I wonder i f you can he Ip me w i th these difficultes. 5 I really apprec i ate it i f you couId he Ip me. 6 I be I i eve I wi I I benef i t a Iot from your vaIuabIe and timely adv i ce. 7 I am sure with your he Ip I can make great progress. 8 Can you manage to g i ve me some construct i ve gu i dance 9 s i ncereIy hope to get your timely rep Iy. 4. 过渡性词汇 歹 Ij 举困难日寸;first, bes i des, a I so, what s more, at the same t i me, i n the meanwh i I e, i n addition,...请求系列帮助 so, thus, however, but, i n order that, so that ・・・5.情感词汇 sorry, bother, beg, wou I d you like・.・. unfortunate I y, un I uck i I y, espec i a I Iy, s i ncereIy, bad Iy, hopefuI Iy


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