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在旅游时最常用到的基本语汇篇 在旅游时最常用到的基本语汇篇 导语青山绿水鸟歌颂,竹林松柏心欢畅,踏上轻舟江中荡,鱼跃龙门掀波浪,欢乐碧波心间漾,从下面是为大家整理的,英语学问,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网 感谢 Thank you. 多谢-- Thanks a lot. 对不起,麻烦你。打搅了. Excuse me. 愧疚。 Excuse the mess. 须要帮忙吗--Can I help you 感谢你的帮助。 Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate your help. 无论如何,我还要感谢你。 Thanks, anyway. 很兴奋见到你。 Nice to meet you. 请问您从哪来。--Where are you from 请问贵姓。--Can I have your name 我叫...。 My name is ... Im ... 很兴奋相识你。 It was a pleasure meeting you. 很兴奋见到你。 Pleased to meet you. 希望再见到你。 Hope to see you again. 玩得开心--Have a good time 祝你好运 Good luck 怎么了 Whats the matter 一路平安,走好。 Have a safe trip home. 二、问路篇 1、方向 East 东 South 南 West 西 North 北 Left 左 Right 右 Go Straight直走 There 那 儿 here 这里 Front 前 方 Back 后 方 Side 侧 旁 Before 之 前 After 之 后 turn left/right 左转/右转 2、请问如何前往 ... Excuse me, How do I get to the ....... 请 问 如 何 前 往 How do I get to the airport How do I get to the bus station How do I get to the metro station How do I get to the subway station How do I get to the underground station How do I get to the train station How do I get to the hotel XXX How do I get to the police station How do I get to the post office How do I get to the tourist ination office 3、请问旁边 ... Excuse me, Is there ....... near by 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 ... Is there a baker near by Is there a bank near by Is there a bar near by Is there a bus stop near by Is there a cafe near by Is there a cake shop near by Is there a change bureau near by Is there a department store near by Is there a hospital nearby Is there a public toilet near by Is there a restaurant near by Is there a travel agent near by Is there a Chinese restaurant around here Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here Do you know of any restaurants open now How can I get there How long does it take to get there 多长时间能到那 How can I get to this address 我怎么到这个地址 Could you tell me how to get there 能告知我怎么到那吗 Sorry, Im a stranger here, too. 对不起,我也不是本地人 对话 A Excuse me. Im afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station A对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告知我去车站怎么走吗 B Im walking that way. Let me lead you the way. B我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧 A Excuse me, Where am I on this map A对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方 B We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of


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