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学问不仅是指课本的内容,还包括社会阅历、文明文化、时代精神等整体要素,才有竞争力,学问是新时代的资本,五六十年头人靠勤劳可以成事;今日的香港要抢学问,要以学问取胜 东南鼎盛置业综合办公楼 框 架 结 构 设 计 姓名 徐 喜 学号 指导老师闫武 摘 要 本次毕业设计是一幢综合办公楼 主要进行的是结构设计部分 结构设计简而言之就是用结构语言来表达工程师所要表达的东西 结构语言就是结构师从建筑及其它专业图纸中所提炼简化出来的结构元素 包括基础、墙、柱、梁、板、大样细部图等等 然后用这些结构元素来构成建筑物或构筑物的结构体系 包括竖向和水平的承重及抗力体系 再把各种状况产生的荷载以最简洁的方式传递至基础 结构设计的阶段大体可以分为三个阶段 一、 结构方案阶段依据建筑的重要性 建筑所在地的抗震设防烈度 工程地质勘查报告 建筑场地的类别及建筑的高度和层数来确定建筑的结构形式 本工程采纳的是框架结构; 二 、结构计算阶段包括荷载计算、内力计算和构件计算; 三 、施工图设计阶段依据上述计算结果 来最终确定构件布置和构件配筋以及依据规范的要求来确定结构构件的构造措施 关键词 结构设计;荷载计算;节点验算; ABSTRACT This graduation project is an administration building it was some of structural design that mainly carried on. The structural design expresses the thing that the engineer will express in structural language in brief. The structural language is structural elements simplified out refined from the building and other specialized drawings of structural engineer including foundation wall column roof beam board full-page proof detail picture etc.. Then come to the structural systems of the building or structures with these structural elements including verticality and bearing and resist strength system of level and then various load that situation produce in a most succinct way from transmission to foundation. The stage of the structural design can be divided into three stages on the whole 一、Structural scheme stage According to the importance of the building providing fortification against earthquakes in the earthquake intensity the geologic prospect report of the project of the building site classification and height and storey of the building of the building field are counted to confirm the structural of architecture what this project is adopted is frame structure; 二、 Calculate stage in structure Including loading and calculating the internal force is calculated and calculated with the component; 三、Construction drawings design phase According to described above result of calculation come confirm component assign with component mixing muscling and coming confirming structural structure measuring of component according to the request of norm finally. Keyword Structural design; Load and calculate; Nodal checking computations. 第一部分工程概况 一、设计概况 建筑地点该市东南开发区黄浦江路与黄山路交汇处 建筑类型六层综合办公楼 框架结构 建筑概况建筑面积约7153.02平方米 室内外高差450mm 楼盖及屋盖均采纳现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构 楼板厚度取120mm 填充墙采纳KP1多孔砖 门窗运用门厅大门采纳钢门 其它为木门 门洞尺寸为1.5m3.1m和0.8m2.5m 窗为铝合金窗 洞口尺寸为1.5m2.1m、1.2m2.1m、 1.2m1.8m 地质条件依据设计任务说明地震设防烈度为8度 地基承载力标准值为200KN/M2 结构概况结构体系框架结构 基础为柱下独立基础 基础垫层混凝土为C10 基础承台混凝土为C20 其余混凝土为C30 其次部分结构计算单元确定及框架侧移刚度的计算 柱网与层高本办公楼采纳柱距为6.0m的内廊式小柱网 边跨为6.0m 中间跨为2.7m 层高取首层为4.5m 其余为3.3m 如下图所示 框架结构承重方案的选择 竖向荷载的传力途径楼板的均布活载和恒载经梁框架柱 再由框架柱传至地基 依据以上楼盖的平面布置及竖向荷载的传力途径 本办公楼框架的承重方案为横向框架承重方案 这可使横向框架梁的截面高度大 增加框架的横向侧移刚度 框架结构的计算简图


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