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沪教版六年级英语上册句型转换专项基础练习 班级 姓名 1.按要求写句子。 [1 ] The people spoke Chinese and English.(改为否定句) [2] ItHs more than twenty thousand meters long(改为一般疑问句) [3] Its in Hangzhou.(改为复数句) [4] There are many mountains in China.(就主题意思提问) [5] We can go now.(改为一般疑问句) 2 .根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 1. A monkey woke the tiger up.(改为一般疑问句) a monkey the tiger up 2. Two men caught the lion with a large net.(对句子主题意思提问) two men catch the lion 3. He made a hole in the door with a hammer(锤子).(改成同义句) He a hammer to a hole in the door. 4. Sam brings some water quickly (改成否定句) Sam water quickly. 5. Our English teacher lets us talk loudly in class(用five years ago改写) Five years ago, our teacher us talk loudly in class. 3 .句型转换。 [1] Lu Xun was famous for his novels.(对句子主题意思提问) Lu Xun famous [2] Li Bai was famous for his poems.(对句子主题意思提问) Li Bai famous [3] She is good at Beijing opera.(变否定句) She Beijing opera. [4] Thomas Edison was famous for his invention.(变般疑问句) Thomas Edison famous for his invention [5] Li Bai was a famous poet.(对句子主题意思提问) was a famous poet 4 .按要求完成句子。 [1 ] There were no computers in my time.(改为般疑问句) [2] At that time, people went by bus.(改为否定句) [3] Did cavemen cook their meat(作否定回答) [4] I went swimming last weekend.(就主题意思提问) [5] Mike ate fresh food yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) 5 .读一读,按要求改写句子。 [1 ] He is doing the dishes now.(对句子主题意思提问) he now [2] I am going to buy an English book.(对句子主题意思提问) you going to [3] I teach Chinese in a school.(用she替换I) Chinese in a school. [4] He likes doing morning rcises.(用I替换he) doing morning rcises. [5] He watches TV at night.(改为否定句) He TV at night. 6 .按要求完成句子。 1. We will have some fruit after lunch.(改为否定句) We have fruit after lunch. 2. My brother likes winter because he likes skating.(对句子主题意思提问) your brother like winter 3. There arc some oranges on the tabic.(改为一般疑问句) there oranges on the table 4. Ben takes a bus to the school.(同义句转换) Ben to the school bus. 5. The children brought some presents to the party last month.(用tomorrow替代last month) The children some presents to the party tomorrow. 7.仿照例句,改写句子。 Model This is my dog.一This isnt my dog. 1. Peter goes to school by bus. 一 Peter to school by bus. Model 2 This is a dog. 一Whats this 1.1 am making a kite. are you Model 3 It is a big dog.一 What a big dog it is 3. They work very hard. they work Model 4 This is my dog. This dog is mine. 4. Children begin to study in the school when they are six years old. 一 the of six, children begin to go to school. 5. We learn Chinese from Miss Liu. 一Miss Liu Chinese. 8.根据要求完成句子。 1. moved/ Lisa/ this/ apartment/ to/ yesterday (.)(连词成句) 2. Where are you going(英译汉) 3. My pleasure(同义句) 4. She can see the bookshop on the way to school.(改为否定句) 5.1 go to the supermarket with my mum.(改为一般疑 问句) 9.按要求改写句子。 1. Tim saw some interesting parrots in the park.(改为否定句) Tim interesting parrots in the park. 2. His father caught a big fish last night.(改为一般疑问句) his father a big fish


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