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专业英语课程试题选例 Part One Translate the following words from English into Chinese and vice versa. 10 points 单词英汉互译, 1协议 protocol 6把嵌入 embed 11 decipher 破译,译解 16 binary 二进制 2调制器 modulator 7黑客 hacker 12 tuple 元组 17 Cyberculture 计算机文化 3 指针 pointer 8情感符 emoticon 13 subroutine 子例程 18 Netiquette 网规 4 编译;汇编 compile 9 互联网 internet 14 fiber 光纤 17 virus 病毒 Part Two Translate the following phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa. 20 points 短语英汉互译, 1 artificial intelligence 人工智能 11 处理器芯片 processor chip 2 serial processing 串行处理 12 数据库体系结构 database architecture 3 design paradigm 设计范式 13 知识产权 intellectual property 4 hierarchical model 层次模型 14 数据总线 data bus 5 decentralized network 分散型网络 15 瀑布模型 waterfall model 6 encryption program 加密程序 16 目标代码 object code 7 peer-to-peer model 对等模型 17 软件生命周期 software life cycle 8 system call 系统调用 18 文件服务器 file server Part Three Match the following abbreviations with their Chinese meaning. 10 points 匹配英文缩写与汉语意思 1 TLD E A 关系数据库管理系统 2 CSMA/CD G B 域名系统 3 ENIAC F C 数据库管理员 4 RDBMS A D 电子数据交换 5 DNS B E 顶级域名 6 WAN H F 电子数字积分计算机 7 EDI D G 带有冲突检测的载波侦听多路访问 8 DBA C H 广域网 Part Four Choose among the four choices the one that best completes the sentence. 20 points 选词填空, 1.In an assembly language, each ________ corresponds roughly to one machine language instruction. A. sentenceB. statementC. orderD. sequence 2.The history of programming languages can be tracked back almost to the invention of the ________ computer in 1940s. A. analogB. personalC. artificialD. digital 3.Modern digital computers can be divided into four major categories on the basis of cost and perance. They are microcomputers, ________, minicomputers, and mainframes. A. workstationsB. serverC. platD. client 4.After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the ________ back to the third paragraph and deleted a sentence. A. iconB. mouseC. joystickD. cursor 5.The software that controls the ________ between the and output hardware is called BIOS, which stands for Basic /Output System. A. insightB. interchangeC. intervalD. interaction 6.An ________ language is a low-level language in binary code that a computer can understand and cute directly. A. programmingB. assemblyC. machineD. analysis 7.An ________ is a sequence of code in a program cuted repeatedly, either for a fixed number of times or until a certain condition is met. A. cycleB. programC. roundD. loop 8.An ________ translates all the source code of a program written in a high-level language into object code prior to the cution of the program. A. debuggerB. compilerC. editorD. window 9.A network can also be classified according to its topology. Among the most popular topologies are the bus topology, ring topology, and ________ topology. A. netB. sta


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