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图纸编号规则 Pony Technologies 小马技术 ENGINEERING DOCUMENT NUMBERING STANDARD 工程文档编号标准 A-001 Revision 2 06 December, 2007 Engineering Pony Technologies Ltd. Document Numbering Standard Table of Contents SECTION 1 - DRAWING MUMBERING Drawing Numbering Structure Plant Code Engineering Discipline Area Number Sequence Number Detail Number Sheet Number Revision Number CAD Filename for Drawings SECTION 2 - DATA SHEET NUMBERING Data Sheet Numbering Structure CAD Filename for Data Sheets SECTION 3 - FILE CONTROL PROCEDURES Project Name Working Documents Server Archives Document Page 2 of 8 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 -A-001 Rev 2 Engineering Pony Technologies Ltd. Document Numbering Standard Section 1 - DRAWING NUMBERING Drawing Number Structure All drawings developed for International projects shall utilize the following numbering structure. The drawing number at will be 国际项目开发的全部图纸应采纳以下编号的结构。 绘图数字格式将是 1016-50-R-1001-00 Detail Number 2 digits Sequence Number 3 digits Area Number Engineering Discipline Plant Code Project Code For example, a drawing may have a drawing number of 1016-50-R-1001. Using the codes listed below, this drawing would be for Saratov Project Code 1016, Tin Bath Plant Code 50, Refractory Discipline R, Canal Area 1, Sequence Number 001, and Detail Number 00. The Sheet Number and Revision Number will be indicated in the Drawing Title Block. Plant Code 00 Civil / General 10 Services / Utilities 20 Buildings 30 Raw Materials 40 Furnace 50 Float Bath 60 Atmosphere Systems 70 Lehr 80 Cutting Line 85 Warehouse Equipment 90 Auxiliary Equipment Engineering Discipline The Engineering Disciplines are listed below. The Engineering Discipline for the drawing number example 1016-50-R-1001 is Refractory. A Arrangement / General B Buildings C Civil E Electrical J Controls / Instrumentation Document -A-001 Rev 2 Page 3 of 8 Engineering Pony Technologies Ltd. L M Document Numbering Standard Layout Mechanical P Piping R Refractory S Steel Area Number Area number is dependent upon the Plant Code since this number identifies a particular part of the associated Plant. The Area for the drawing number example 1016-50-R-1001 is Delivery System. Plant Code Plant Name Area No 00 General / Civil 0 1 2 3 Area Description General Grading Drainage Roadways 10 Services / Utilities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Electrical Compressed Air Cooling Water Wells/Water Treatment/Potable Fire Protection Fuel HVAC Control System / Communication 20 Buildings 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General Utility Buildings Admin Buildings Batch Plant Furnace Building Float Bath Building [Not Used] Lehr Building Cutting Line Building Temporary Requirements 30 Raw Materials 0 1 2 3 5 General Raw Material Storage Batch Plant Sand Storage and Distribution Cullet Return System 40 Furnace 0


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