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目 录 图书管理信息系统的设计和实现 端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一样性和完整性强、数据平安性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易运用等特点。 本图书管理信息系统是利用计算机管理信息处理的快速、精确、牢靠且具有强大存储实力的突出特点,全面提高图书馆的管理水平和工作效率,并以刚好、完整的业务经营资料,为图书馆的刚好转换供应肯定的支持。本图书管理系统涵盖了六个主要的子系统图书资料管理、读者资料管理、借书操作、还书操作、修改密码和查询处理,并通过信息的收集、整理、存储、传递将它们有机地结合起来,提高了工作的精确率和效率。 本论文从系统分析、需求分析、概要分析、具体分析到系统实施、系统运行、系统维护等几个方面具体阐述了图书管理系统的开发过程,记录了开发过程中的分析依据和设计思路及相关图表,阐明白主要的设计内容和实施、运行状况,为本系统的运用、升级供应了完备的资料。 本系统开发时间将近四个月,初步完成了图书管理信息系统的初级版本,系统基本上实现了原定的基本功能,并将在以后进行接连的改进和完善。 关键词Delphi;SQL Server 2000;数据库;图书管理信息系统 Design And Implementation of The Books Management Ination System AbstractThe books management ination system is the typical ination management system MIS, It mainly develops including two respects ,one is setting-up and maintenance of backstage supporters database . Another is developing the front application program. As to the er demand set up data consistency , integrality strong and data security kind database.require to the latter the function of the application program is complete , Easy to use and so on the characteristic. This books management ination system is using the computer management ination processing rapid, accurate, is reliable also has the idable memory property the prominent characteristic, comprehensively enhances the library the management level and the working efficiency, and take the prompt integrity account cutive material, provides the certain support for newer books and reference materials in time of the library. The books management ination system has covered six subsystems The books and reference materials management, the reader material management, taking advantage of the book operation, modify password and also the book operation, inquiry processing, and through the ination collection, the reorganization, the memory, the transmission organically unifies them, enhanced the work rate of accuracy and the efficiency. This thesis from the system analysis, the demand analysis, the outline analysis, the multianalysis to the system implementation, the system movement, the system maintenance and so on several aspects in detail elaborated the books management ination system perance history, recorded in the perance history analysis to rest on and to design the mentality and the correlation graph, had expounded the main design content and the implementation, the movement situation, for this system use, the promotion have provided the complete material. This system is nearly four months construction period, finished the elementary edition of the books administrative system tentatively, the system has basically realized the original basic function, and will carry on improvement and completion successively afterwards. Keyword Delphi ; SQL; database; books management ination system 前 言 随着我国经济的高速发展,人们的物质需求已趋向饱和,而精神上的需求却日益提高。学习的繁重、工作的压力、竞争的刺激使人们感到学问的困乏,渴望进一步的充电。同时当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代。在各行各业中离不开信息处理,正是因此计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系


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