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v1.0 可编辑可修改 Unit 1 a land of diversity 教材分词与重组 本单元的主题是一个地区的文化多元现象。通过两篇课文,一篇是reading部分的California,重点介绍加利福尼亚的移民历史;一篇是reading and writing 部分的George’s diary, 重点展示了George眼中的加利福尼亚,进而向我们展示加利福尼亚州的文化多元现象。从而我们可以以加利福尼亚为例,通过想象与推理了解文化多元multicultural现象。 本单元的语法为名词性从句,是对这个语法模块的复习与升华。 Period 1 warming-up and reading 用一副美国地图启发学生运用已有知识,以看图填充的形式引导学生对美国整个地理位置有个大致的全面认识。并让学生看“阅读”部分的图,叙述加州的土著人,引发学生对加利福尼亚的兴趣。了解加利福尼亚的移民历史 Period 2 language points and rcise about the reading 通过灵活多样的练习促使学生进一步对文章进行理解,并学习掌握遇到的新表达。 Period 3 grammar 复习名词性从句作主语、宾语和表语 Period 4writing Write a essay about a city, province or zone in China. 重组原因根据一周的课时量及学生基础,本单对reading and writing部分只作简单处理。 Period 1Warming up Reading I. Teaching Aims; Knowledge goals students to learn about the knowledge of USA especially California. Ability goals Ss’ reading ability by skimming, scanning and careful reading. Emotion Goals Ss’ interest in science . II. Teaching Important Points Learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in California. III. Teaching Difficult Points Encourage the students to discuss the question in page3Ex3 and make a summary of the passage. IV. Teaching Aids The multimedia and other normal teaching tools V. Teaching Procedures Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming up. 1. Ask the students to discuss If you want to learn something about a country, a state, etc, what we want to know. Size Location Capital Population Language History geography Customs culture climate, agriculture industry, education medical care 2. A quiz about the general knowledge of the USA in the PPT-reading 3. Group work look at the map of the USA with your group. Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can. Compare your names with other groups. Ocean on the west coast Pacific Ocean Country to the north of USA Canada Country to the south of USA Mexico Mountain range in the west Rocky Mountains Great Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA Mississippi River Some important cities New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Ask the students to tell things about California including its location, size, population, economy, history etc. What do you learn about California Step 3 Fast reading 1. Read through the passage and get the main idea. ’s the topic of this text A. the culture of California B. the history of California C. the weather of California D. the history of USA state in the USA has the largest Population California over 30 million people many kinds of people are mentioned in this text Step 4 Detail reading Native Americans Answer the following questions 15000 years ago did they come from from Asian to Alaska happened in the sixteenth century Native Americans were killed by European were forced into slavery


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