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Lesson Plan Topic Role Play Date _____________________ No. of Students _______ Time 45 minutes CLASS PROFILE Year level Age Language level Previous schooling Other The Third year-- the Fourth year 22 Between English Major Band 4 and Band 8. Senior middle school GENERAL OBJECTIVES The trainees will be able to use role-plays in the ELT classroom. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES linguistic FUNCTIONS Introducing ones opinion , asking for other peoples opinions, showing disagreement , taking a turn, interrupting, making request, complaining, explaining, giving reasons, objecting. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURES Skipped VOCABULARY include phonological Skipped patterns MICRO-SKILLS Skipped CONCEPTS Cultural and/or cognitive concepts related to topic/situation Definition of role-play. Procedures of role-play. Advantages of role- play Problems and solutions of role-play Characteristics and functions of role-cards. Characteristics and functions of cue cards. MODES OF BEHAVIOUR . affective/ procedural objectives The language used should be inal to some extent. Defending your view, but try to show respect, tolerance and understanding by being polite, even in situations of strong disagreement. RATIONALE . why select these linguistic/conceptual objectives LINGUISTIC Role-play is an active phase of learning, so it involves a number of language functions. Students should pay attention to use right language to express those functions. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL The conversation goes on in a break, so the language used should be inal to some extent. Since the conversation takes place in a staffroom between colleagues, the speakers should keep polite manner. ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE . what do you assume learners know/can do LINGUISTIC All trainees are familiar with the vocabulary and grammatical rules related to the topic, so it is unnecessary to present those language elements. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL Most of the trainees have the experiences of role-play, but they are not theoretically clear about the definition, procedures, advantages, problems and solutions of role-plays. It is difficult for them to show respect, tolerance by being polite in situations of strong disagreement. AIDS Overhead projector, computer, lesson plan in PPT. PROCEDURE Pre-task activities activity 1minut of four groups each member in a group getting the same role-card 2minuts the situation of the main task.3minutes Situation You are four teachers meeting in the staffroom. You are very different with regard to your age, character and teaching experience. Try to speak to your colleagues in this role play as you would speak to colleagues in the staffroom, who are not necessarily your friends, whose viewpoints you might not agree with. Keep to polite language and social conventions. 4. Helping students deal with


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