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v1.0 可编辑可修改 七年级下册语法练习 一、写出下列动词的过去式。 am 2.fly 3.find 4.are 5.drink 6.play 7.go 8.make 9.do 10.dance 11.worry 12.ask 13.eat 14.draw 15.put 16.throw 17.kick 18.pass 19.live 20.know 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1be动词 at school just now. at the camp last week. students two years ago. on the farm a moment ago. Ling eleven years old last year. an apple on the plate yesterday. some milk in the fridge the day before yesterday. mobile phone on the sofa yesterday evening. happy yesterday. glad to see each other last month. many people bethere in your class last term学期 seeLi Lei goout just now. a book on the chair last Monday. with my father at home the day before yesterday. the second of June Yesterday the first of June. It Children’s Day .All the students very excited. 2行为动词 livein Changchun two years ago. cat eata mouse老鼠last night. havea party last Christmas Day. pickup oranges on the farm last week. makea model plane with Bob yesterday. playchess in the classroom last RE lesson. grandmother cooknice food last Spring Festival. girls singand danceat the party last night. and Mary cometo China last month. readEnglish yesterday morning. callMike this morning. 12. I listened but hearnothing. beginto learn Chinese last year. mother not dohousework yesterday. 15.What time you getto Beijing yesterday 一We get to Beijing at 900 in the evening. she havesupper at home not cleanthe room just now. all go to the mountains yesterday morning. 19.When you cometo china Last year. 20.What Tom do last Saturday evening He watchTV and read an interesting book. always_________play her toy in her room. __________play her toy in her room now. often _______do his homework in the evening , but now he __________ watch TV now 24. The boy ______play basketball every afternoon. boy is over there. They ___________play basketball 26. Lily ______like watching TV. She _________watch TV every evening. But now she ____________not watch TV. She __________read an English book. 27. -Listen Who _________sing in the next room -I think its Li Mei. She often ______sing in the next room. And she ______sing well. 三、单项选择 ( ) watered the flowers . A.tomorrow B .sometimes C. yesterday morning ( ) Peter do last Sunday A. do B .does C .did ( ) my room last weekend. A.cleaned B .clean C. am cleaning ( ) often helped my mother housework last year. A. does B. did C .do ( )5. your brother TV last night A.Do,wat


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