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国际海上拖航(总承包)合同 国际海上拖航合同(总承包) RECOMMENDED INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TOWAGE AGREEMENT LUMP SUM PART Ι(第一部分) 1.Date and place of Agreement 合同签订的日期和地点 BIMCO “TOWHIRE”/海上拖航合同(日租) 名称 “TOWHIRE” 2. Tugowner/place of business 拖轮船东/营业地点 3. Hirer/place of business 租用人/营业地点 4. Towname and type被拖物(名称和类型) 5. Gross tonnage/displacement tonnage总吨位/排水吨位 6. Maximum length/maximum breadth towing draught fore and aft最大长度/最大宽度和拖航吃水(艏、艉吃水) 7. Flag and place of registry 船旗和登记地点 8. Registered owners 登记船东 9. Classification society 船级社 10. P. I. liability insurers保赔责任保险人 11. General condition of tow被拖物概况 12. Particulars of cargo and/or ballast and/or other property on board the tow 被拖物上货物和/或压载物和/或其他财产的具体状况 13. T u g name and type 拖轮(名称和类型) 14. Flag and place of registry 船旗和登记地点 15. Gross tonnage 总吨位 16. Classification society 船级社 17. P. I. liability insurers保赔责任保险人 18. Certificated bollard pull if any 经鉴定的系柱拖力(如有) 19. Indicated horse power 指示马力 20. Estimated daily average bunker oil consumption in good weather and smooth water 估计在良好天气和海况时预料燃油平均日耗量 at full towing power with tow拖带被拖物全速拖航时 at full sea speed without tow不拖带被拖物全速航行时 21. Winches and main towing gear绞车和主要拖航索具 22. Nature of services Cl. 1 服务性质(第1款) 23. Contemplated route Cl. 17安排航线 24. Place of departure Cl. 7起拖地(第7款) 25. Place of destination Cl. 8目的地(第8款) 26. Free time at place of departure Cl. 2g 起拖地免费时间第2款g 27. Free time at place of destination Cl. 2g 目的地免费时间第2款g 28. Notices Place of departure通知(起拖地) 29. Delay payment Cl. 2g 延迟费(第2款g) a Initial departure period from/to最初起拖期限(从/到) a Port rate 在港时费率 b Initial departure notice days notice/days period最初起拖通知(提前通知天数/起拖期限) b Sea rate 航行时费率 c Final departure period and notice days notice/days period最终起拖期限和通知(提前通知天数/起拖期限) 30. Riding crew to be provided by also state number to be provided Cl. 9由谁供应随船船员(并说明供应的人数)(第9款) d Final departure time and date notice days notice最终起拖时间和日期通知(提前通知天数) e Notices to be given to通知应发至 31. If riding crew provided by Tugowner state amount per man per day payable by Hirer Cl. 9如由拖轮船东供应随船船员,说明租用人对每人每天应付金额(第9款) 32. Lump sum towage price also state when each instalment due and payable Cl. 2拖航总承包价(注明每一期付款应支付的时间) 33. Payment of lump sum other amounts state currency, mode of payment, place of payment and bank account Cl. 2总承包价和其他款项的支付(说明货币、支付方式、支付地点及银行帐号)(第2款) a Lump sum towage price拖航总承包价 b amount due and payable on signing agreement签订合同时应付金额 c amount due and payable on sailing of tug tow from place of departure拖轮和被拖物自起拖地起航时应付金额 d amount due and payable on passing of tug and tow off 拖轮和被拖物驶经 时应付金额 e amount due and payable on arrival of tug tow at place of destination拖轮和被拖物到达目的地时应付金额 34. Interest rate per annum to run from sta


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