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v1.0 可编辑可修改 Unit 4 一、 写出相应的形式。10分 3rd-_____________________ first-____________________ 12th-_____________________ nineteenth-_______________ 20th-_____________________ twenty-eight-______________ 80th-_____________________ eleventh-__________________ 29th-______________________ twelfth-___________________ 二、根据句子意思填空。(10分) 1. Children’s Day(儿童节) is on the______________of June(六月). 2. There are______________months(月)in a year年. 3. Teacher’s Day教师节 is on the _____________of September(九月). 4. The Mid-autumn Festival is on_______________ 八月十五 in lunar calendar day is on_______________ 十月一日. 三、单项选择。10分 ww .xk b1. com 1. My cousin’s birthday in on the_________of October. A. three B. first C. the second 2. What date is it today It’s__________of April. A. twelfth B. the 12th C. 12th 3. There are________days in a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. seven is the_________day of a week. A. one B. first C. second 5. Twenty-eight minus减six is__________. A. the twenty- second B. twenty-two C. twenty- second 6. Four plus加_________is twelve.X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m A. seven B. eight C. nine 7. May is the__________ month of the year. A. five B fifth C six 8. There are so many new words in the__________ 二十九 lesson . A twenty-nine B twenty-nineth C twenty-ninth is the__________ month of the year . A one B oneth C first Yellow River is the__________ longest river in China. A two B second C twoth 四、连词成句。(10分) 1. is when Day Fool’s April ___________________________________________________ 2. some in are there July special days. ___________________________________________________ a party have for you birthday of both. __________________________________________________ 4. do you will what your mum for __________________________________________________ 5. April on this 5th it’s year. __________________________________________________ 五、读问句,选答句。(10分) 1. When is April Fool’s Day A. It’s on January 1st. 2. Will you play football with me B. It’s on April 1st. 3. When do you go to school C. At 700 . 4. When is New Year’s Day the weather is nice. 5. Why do you like spring best E. Sorry, I can’t. 六、阅读理解。(10分) Hello, my name is Li Ming , yesterday I made a birthday chart for my family. My birthday is June 9th. My mother’s birthday is June 14th. My grandpa’s birthday is June gandpa is in America, my grandpa lives with my uncle Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I usually make an e-card to him for his birthday.There are 2 birthdays in November, my father and my cousin Alice. A


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