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v1.0 可编辑可修改 八下U8 T2 Section A 根据句意提示补全单词 discipline suitable survey plain interview 1. Blue is________ for you. You should wear it more often. 2. --Where is Amy --She is________our headmaster about how to make our unis. 3. As students, we must keep________ in class. 4. We are going to make a______among students on whether to have classes or not on weekends. 5. Sometimes, the police can wear________ clothes to carry out special tasks instead of unis. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1. They are going to________ ________ ________做个调查 about the disease. 2. My father doesn’t like wearing unis. He likes wearing________ ________便装. 3. It’s a little difficult to ________ ________执行 this task in such a special situation. 4. Whether we will go swimming________ ________取决于 the weather. 5. I________ ________同意 my mother about most things. 单选 1. It’s important for us to protect the nature because we________ its rich resource to live. A. depend on B. leave for C. give up D. lead to 2. Girl students in some schools are not allowed________ long hair. A. having B. have C. had D. to have 3. --Can you tell me______ from here --About three miles. A. how far it is B. how much it is C. how far is it D. how much is it 4. Unis will look ugly_____ you. A. at B. in C. on D. to 5. Look The bridge is falling down. Tom is______. A. dangerous B. danger C. in danger D. out of danger 补全对话 AExcuse me, where will you go B I’m sorry I can’t follow you. A B Oh, I’m going to Zhao Lei’s home. A B Many students are there. And I’ll go there to talk about our unis with them. A B No, I don’t know. We want to design them by ourselves. A4. ________________________________ B I’m not sure. We want to survey the students about styles of unis. A I also want to talk with you all. B Of course. Let’s go together. Section B 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. It’s important that people should dress______ correct on every occasion. 2. There are many ______ customer buying clothes in that shop. 3. He went down his______ knee to sweep the floor. 4. We should know about the quality of clothes before______ buy them. 5. The businessmen often wear business______ suit when they have a meeting. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. You should ______ _____脱下 your shoes when you_____进入 someone’s home in Japan. 2. We should wear suitable clothes_______ _______ _______在任何场合. 3. You should wear_______ _______ _______一套西装 when you take part in birthday party. 4. --What’s the matter, Jim --_______ _______ _______我的脚痛. 单选 1. It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella_______ you may get wet. A. or B. and C. but D. until 2. Could you tell me_______ A. what should I wear B. what is wrong with Tom C. what do I wear D. how should I wear


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