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1.agree with 同意的意见想法;符合 I can’t agree with you about that. 就那件事,我无法同意你的看法。 2.listen to倾听 When she arrived,I was listening to English. 她来的时候,我正在听英语。 3.get to 到达 I get to school at about 730 every day,and I get home at 500 in the afternoon. 我每天730到校,下午500到家。 4.fall off 从 掉下 Thegirl fell off the bike. 女孩从自行车上摔了下来。 5.knock at/on 敲门、窗 There was a heavy knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 6.laugh at 嘲笑 It’s not good to 1augh at a person who is in trouble. 讥笑一个陷于困境的人是不对的。 7.learnfrom 向学习 Bob,you should learn from your brother.He does well in his homework. 鲍勃,你应该向你哥哥学一学。他的作业完成得很好。 8.live on 继续存在;靠生活 People in my hometown live on rice. 我家乡的人们靠大米为生。 9.look after 照顾,照看 I must look after my old grandma when my parents are not at home. 父母不在家时,我必须照顾我的老奶奶. 10.helpwith 帮助做 My friend helps me with my English study. 我的朋友帮助我学习英语。 11.at the end of 在的结束时,在末尾 Weare given an examination at the end of each month. 我们每个月底都有一场考试。 12.be keen on 喜欢,热爱,醉心于 I am keen on studying English. 我热心于学习英语。 13.next to 旁边的 Who’s the boy sitting next to you 坐在你边上的那个男孩是谁 14.in the middle of 在中间 Dont put the sand in the middle of the path 别把沙子倒在路中央。 15.work as 担任,从事 I will study science well and work as a scientist. 我要学好科学,将来做个科学家。 16.be responsible for 为负责 He was responsible for making plans for the meeting. 他负责做会议计划。 17.pay for 为付钱,赔偿 We have to pay 345 yuan for the cost of the trip. 我们必须为这次旅行交345元。 18.for free 免费地,无偿地 The website provides English vocabulary to everyone for free. 这个网站免费向每一个人提供英语词汇。 19.try one’s best 竭尽所能;尽力,尽自己最大努力 Students ought to try their best to learn all subjects well. 学生应该尽力学好每一门功课。 20.believe in 信仰,信任 We do not believe in God. 我们不相信上帝。 21.keep fit 保持健康 We must do sports to keep fit. 我们必须参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康。 22.get on well 和睦相处 We all get on well with eachother here in the schoo1. 我们大家在学校里都和睦相处。 23.the sameas 和同样的 I feel the same as you. 我与你有同样的感受。 24.no longer 不再,己不,不复,再也不 He has been a famous musician for a long time, but he plays no longer. 他成为有名的音乐家已很久了,但他现在不演奏了。 25.instead of 代替,而不 They must go out and play balls instead of staying at home. 他们必须走出去打打球,而不是呆在家里。 26. get away 走开,离开逃走 I hope to get away early in the morning. 我希望一早就动身离开。 27.breakdown 打破,损坏 The robbers broke the door down. 强盗们把门砸开了。 28. in addition to 除之外还 She can speak French and Japanese in addition to English. 除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语。 29.be angry with 生某人的气 My teacher was angry with me because 1 was late for schoo1. 我的老师对我很生气,因为我上学迟到了。 30.happen to 碰巧 I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。 31.be unaware of 没有警觉到 He seemed to be unaware ofthe trouble he was causing. 他似乎还没有警觉到自己惹起的麻烦。 32.depend on 依靠 My success depends on myfriends’help. 我的成功是依靠我的朋友们的帮助。 33.for the time being 暂且,眼下 She’staying with her aunt for the timebeing. 她暂时住在她姨妈那里。 34.be pleased with 对


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