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v1.0 可编辑可修改 五、选择填空(10分) 1. This my classroom A. am B. is 2. We have 6 new A. light B. lights 3. go and see. A. Let’s B. Let 4. Amy Where is your picture Mike A. It’s near the door. B. Let’s go and have a look 5. Mike Miss White Thank you A. Let me clean the blackboard. B. Let me help you. 八、根据所给中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。10分 1. 你想让同学帮你开下门,你可以说 A. Open the door, please. B. Turn on the door, please 2. 想让对方跟你一起去看看, 可以说 A. May I have a look B. Let’s go and see. 3. 如何说自己丢了笔记本 A. I lost my notebook. B. Good job. 4. 当你的同学把他的新书包拿给你看时,你可以说 A. Wow, it’s nice. B. All right. 5.你想看一下别人的东西,应该说 I see it have a book. 六、选择合适的句子,把对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。(10分) A. My father is a teacher. B. Can I have some rice C. How many rooms do you have D. What would you like for dinner E. Is this your bedroom A Welcome to my home. B__________________________ A We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. B ______________________________ A No, it’s my study. B What’s your father A______________________________ B Where is your mother A My mother is in the B I’d like some fish and soup. A Dinner Is ready. Help yourself. B Thank you. ________________________- A Sure, here you are. 四、找出下列句子的汉语意思,并把序号填在括号内。10分) 1. )How many storybooks do you have 2. I have a new schoolbag. 3. Put your notebook under your bag. 4. How many English books can you see 5. What colour is your bag A. 我有一个新书包。 B.你能看到多少本英语书 C.你有多少本故事书 D.你的书包是什么颜色的 E.把你的笔记本放在你的书包下面。 六、选择与图片对应的句子,并把序号填在括号中。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. Turn on the light . B. Clean the floor . C. Open the door. D. Clean the board. E. Clean the window. 三、单项选择。 1. Is it your pen _______ A. Yes, is it. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, he is. 2. Where is Mike ______ A. It’s in the study. B. She’s in the study. C. He’s in the study. 3. Look _____ that room. A. in B. to C. at 4. Is your mother in the kitchen No, ______. A. she is B. she isn’t C. he isn’t 5. Where is Amy ______ A. She’s in the bedroom. B. He’s in the bedroom. C. It’s in the bedroom. 6. Let’s go ______ school. A. at B. to C. on 7. My glasses _______ on the desk. A. is B. am


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