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高顿财经ACCA ACCA P5Perance Management and Measurement 本文由高顿ACCA 整理发布,转载请注明出处Perance Management and Measurement1. Perance Management of Human ResourcesPerance management attempts to integrate the human resources process with the strategic direction and control of the company by integrating agreed goals and control measures.Usually perance ratings are done according tos and personal qualities;Results and outcomes;Behaviour in perance.Step 1 Goals are set.Step 2 Perance is measured and compared with targets.Step 3 Control measures are taken up to correct any shortfall.Step 4 Goals are adjusted according to experience.2. Perance Measures Perance RatingsPerance indicators are set that are linked to the goals and objectives of the organisation. Perance measures are often discussed under four categories2.1 Personality Traits高顿财经ACCAGoals are based on desired personality traits such as teamwork or leadership. The problem with these types of measures is that qualified specialists using psychometric s should per the judgement of individuals. In practice, unqualified managers normally per these, using tests that they do not understand.2.2 Quantified Work ObjectivesQuantified targets, such as number of sales calls made, are set for the individuals. The individuals perance is then compared against these. One potential problem is setting the targets. This should be done in advance of the period during which perance is measured; however it is often difficult to decide what is a fair target.2.3 Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales BARSBARS measure how the employee behaves generally, using specific behaviours that are identified as being important, rather than using general personality traits. For example, rather than simply saying “the employee deals with customers in a polite and prompt manner,“ the behavioural anchor will say “the employee answers the phone within two rings“. For each behaviour, the employee will be measured on a scale, using the judgement of the appraiser.2.4 Behavioural Observation Scales BOSBehavioural observation scales attempts to overcome a criticism of BARS, which is that they require judgement.Instead, BOS attempt to identify what are considered to be critical activities, and then attempts to measure how often an employee pers those activities. Some activities would be considered to be desired activities, such as “gives praise when praise is due“, and some are undesired such as “Misses work days“.The perance of the employee is then judged for each of these activities, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is never, 5 is always, etc. 更多ACCA 资讯请关注高顿ACCA 官网http//高顿财经ACCA


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