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国家与国籍练习 一、你能写出下列国家名和国籍名的单词吗 Countries (国家名) Nationalities (国籍名) 五颗金星 中国 China Chinese 中间一个红太阳 大 “ 米”字 三条横黑红黄 50颗星星 六颗星星,一个米 三条竖蓝白红 枫叶之国 你发觉规律了吗 国籍名通常比它的国家名要长(除了德国_______比德国人,德国的,德语________多了一个__字母) 二、 你会用学过的国家名和国籍名吗 我们先来回忆一下它们的用法 国家名是某个国家的名字,常常和from连用,如I’m from China;而国籍名是关于某个国家的人或事物,通常有国人或国的语言,这样的中文意思,不跟from连用,如He is Chinese. It’s a Chinese stamp. 国籍名后面常常会跟着一个名词,表示国家的人或事物。 记好了,我们就来做练习吧每个空只填一个单词 1、 I’m from China. So I am _________. 2、 He’s from _________. So he is British. He is a _________ man. 3、 She’s from Japan. So she is _______. She is a _______ girl. 4、 We’re from Germany. So we are _________. 5、 They are from the USA. So they are from _______. They’re _________. 6、 Ben and Janet are from England. So they’re from _______. They’re _________. 7、 Kangaroos袋鼠 are from _______. 8、 Are you from France No, I am not _______. 三、你会回答这些问题吗 1、Where are you from A Yes, I’m from China. B I’m from China. C I’m from Chinese. 2、Are you from Britain A Yes, I’m. B Yes, I’m from British. C Yes, I am. I am British. 3、Is he from France A Yes, he isn’t. B He is from France. C Yes, he is from France. 4、Are Keiko and Zhang Mai both from Japan A Yes, she is. B No, only Keiko is from Japan. C Yes, he is from Japan. 三、 看图选择 1. Where is she from A She is from France. B He is from Germany. C She is from French. 2. Is he from Britain A Yes, he is from Britain. B No, he isn’t. He is from Australia. C He is from Australia. 3. Is he from America A Yes, he is. He is American. B No, he isn’t. He is from Australia. C He is from America. 4. Are these Chinese stamps A Yes, it is. B They are Japanese stamps. C No, they aren’t. They are Japanese stamps. 5. Is this one from France A Yes, it is. B No, it isn’t. C It is from Germany. 四、 用a或an填空 1、 ___ French stamp 2、___ Japanese toy truck 3、___ Australian toy bike 4、___ Canadian train 5、It’s ___ Chinese stamp. 6、She is ___ American girl. 7、He is ___ British man. 8、This stamp has ___ orange goldfish on it. 9、This is __ German toy plane. 五、 拓展 国家、国籍、语言和首都。 national flag Country(国家) nationality (国籍) Language(语言) capital (首都) 中国 China Chinese Chinese Beijing 日本 Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo 美国 America the USA American English WashingtonD.C. 英国 the UK England / Britain British / English English London 澳大利亚 Australia Australian English Canberra 加拿大 Canada Canadian English /French Ottawa 新西兰 New Zealand New Zealander English Wellington 德国 Germany German German Berlin 法国 France French French Paris 俄罗斯 Russia Russian Russian Moscow 意大利 Italy Italian Italian Rome 埃及 Egypt Egyptian Egyptian 新加坡 Singapore Singaporean English Singapore 印度 India Indian Madrid city Hong Kong 香港 Macao澳门 Sydney悉尼 N


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