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CAMBRIDGE HALL – Presessional Accommodation 2011 FEES 12 week block – 20 thJune – 9 thSeptember 896.00 8 week Block – 14 thJuly – 9 thSeptember 616.00 5 week Block – 8 thAugust – 9 thSeptember 406.00 You will be required to make full payment of the accommodation fees in advance prior to arrival. You can make payment by Credit Card/Bank Transfer or by paying online at www.fin.mmu.ac.uk Facilities Each person provided with a single study bedroom with washbasin. Bathroom and kitchen facilities are shared. Please note that crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils are not provided. The communal areas are cleaned but washing dishes and the cleaning of the bedroom is the responsibility of the occupant. A bedding pack will be provided which you can take on your departure. Please note that due to the maintenance schedule residents may be required to move rooms at least once. Advance notice will be given if this is required. Full Name BLOCKCAPITALS __________________________________ E-Mail address ____________________________________________ Age ______ Gender Male/Female MMU Student ID Number Permanent home Address Postcode Contact Number for any queries Dates Accommodation Required Arrival date please tick 20 June 2010  Flight No 14 July 2010  Flight No 8 August 2010  Flight No Any other date _____________ Flight No IF YOU ARRIVE EARLIER THAN THE DATE SPECIFIED THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL CHARGES AT A RATE OF 15.00 PER NIGHT. IF YOU ARRIVE LATER THAN THE DATE SPECIFIED AND NO NOTIFICATION IS GIVEN TO THE ACCOMMODATION OFFICE DIRECTLY CHARGES WILL REMAIN THE SAME. IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES PLEASE CONTACT AS A MATTER OF URGENCY. PAYMENT DETAILS Full payment is required in advance of your arrival. Please note that we are unable to reserve accommodation without the appropriate payment. In the event of a cancellation the following refunds will be made Number of days prior to the day of Day of Arrival Refund Payable as a of the charges paid in respect of the Accommodation reserved 21 days or more 75 8 – 20 days 50 7 days or less 25 Please note that if notification of cancellation is received on your intended day of arrival a refund will not be made for the first night. A refund of 25 will be made for the subsequent nights reserved. Card No.Expiry Date Valid From Date Issue No Security No. Please complete the following in BLOCK CAPITALS Name as on Credit Card Cardholders Address Postcode Contact Number for any queries Please send and payment details to Accommodation Office Email Accommodationmmu.ac.uk Manchester Metropolitan University Tel No 0161 247 2958 Cavendish Building North Fax No 0161 247 6865 Cavendish Street Manchester M15 6BG The above application is made in the knowledge that I will be required to comply with the Universi


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