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Accommodation NB 805 Inner Furnishing RemarksGeneral 1. Accommodation inside must be cleaned properly. All spaces including inspection openings for sanitary modules must be cleaned from dust and dirt. Walls, ceiling and floors must be washed, suitable cleaning agents have to be use as well.居住区里面必须很好的清洁,所有的空间包括卫生单元检修孔里面必须将垃圾 和灰尘清除干净。墙壁,,天花板以及地板必须进行清洁,并且必须用合适的清 洁剂进行清洗。内装 2. All covers for lights have to be cleaned. All furniture wooden boxes, refrigerators, sofa, washing and galley sinks and etc. have to be cleaned from inside and outside.所有的照明灯灯照必需进行清洁,所有的家具(木质箱柜,冰箱,沙发,洗脸 盆和厨房水池等)必须重从里到外进行清洁。(内装) 3. All sanitary modules have to be washed with cleaning agents.所有的卫生单元里面必须用清洁剂进行清洗。(内装) 4. All heavy covers for illuminators in cabins on the main deck must be watertight. Covers for illuminators in cabin No108 / 110 / Ch. Officer can not be closed – butterfly nuts are block. Rubber gasket for scuttle cover in cabin No106 is missing. 主甲板层所有房间的舷窗保护盖必须是水密的,108和110房间以及大副房间的 舷窗保护盖不能关闭---- 蝶型螺母卡死了。106 房间舷窗上的密封条没有了。(内装) 5. All flanges and covers for illuminators on the main deck must be cleaned and painted, including handle for stoppers.主甲板上所有房间的舷窗盖和边框,包括把手和锁扣,都必需进行清洁和油漆 (内装,涂装) 6. Illuminators on the poop deck/ boat deck and bridge. Flanges must be cleaned and painted. Fixing device must be in function and clean from overspray. Please pay attention for rubber gasket.艉楼甲板,艇甲板以及驾驶室的舷窗,边框必需很好的清洁和油漆,锁紧装置 必须将螺杆上的油漆清除掉,使其能很好的工作。请注意橡胶垫。(内装,涂 装) 7. All keys for wooden boxes inside accommodation have to be installed on the locking devices. 居住区所有木质箱柜的钥匙必须装在锁上。(内装) 8. All chairs must be with fixing devices. Fixing to be presented.所有的椅子必须有固定装置。请固定好并报检。(内装)9. Each cabin/room to be equipped with steel basket for garbage. 所有房间和舱室必须有铁皮做的垃圾桶或筐。(内装) 10.All bad rooms have to be equipped with accessories for cleaning. 所有房间必需有打扫卫生的工具。(内装) 11. Small deation and scratches are founded on the doors, walls and ceiling inside accommodation. 房间的门,墙壁,以及天花板上发现了一些小的变形或乱伤。(内装) 12.All lists with telephone numbers have to be prepared in good way. Lists must be covered with plastic from both sides and after then fixed on the wall. Now they can be destroyed very easy and looks ugly. 所有的电话号码薄必须是双面塑封的,然后很好的固定在墙上,现在的电话薄 很容易被损坏,并且很难看。(电气) 13.Wheel-house Bridge deck - All modification acc. to remarks have to be done – computer desk/ chart table/ sofa/ wooden box between washing sink and box for flags. - Fixed type helmsman’s chair missing, have to be installed. - Connection for washing sink to sewage system to be done watertight.驾驶室意见中提到的所有修改必须完成---- 电脑桌/海图桌/沙发/ 洗池与旗帜箱之间的木柜子等。(内装)船长椅必须安装好。(内装)洗池下面的泄放必须做到水密。(内装) 14.WC 302 Boat deck - Connection to sewage system to be done watertight. - Silicone between walls and floor to be fill.艇甲板302 卫生间洗池下面的泄放必须做到水密。(内装)墙壁与地板之间必须打好硅胶。(内装) 15.Corridor boat deck - Cover for emergency light is broken, have to be changed.艇甲板内走道应急照明的灯罩块了,需要更换。(电气) 16.Captain office/cabin Poop deck - Floor covering in captain office – in view of practical


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