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A CITY IS NOT A TREE 城市不是树形结构 CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER The tree of my title is not a green tree with leaves. It is the name of an abstract structure. I shall contrast it with another, more complex abstract structure called a semilattice. In order to relate these abstract structures to the nature of the city, I must first make a simple distinction. 我的题目中的“树”不是指那种有叶子的绿色的树,而是指一种抽象结构的名字。(通常叫 做“数形”。)我将把它与另一个更加复杂的叫做“半格”的抽象结构进行对照。为了使这 些抽象结构与城市的性质相结合,首先我需要做一种简单的区别。 I want to call those cities which have arisen more or less spontaneously over many, many years natural cities. And I shall call those cities and parts of cities which have been deliberately created by designers and planners artificial cities. Siena, Liverpool, Kyoto, Manhattan are examples of natural cities. Levittown, Chandigarh and the British New Towns are examples of artificial cities. 我会把那些在一段较长的时间内或多或少自发兴起的城市叫做“自然的城市”。而将那些在 设计师和规划师设计下而形成的城市或者那部分的城市称为“人造的城市”。 锡耶纳,曼 哈顿,京都,利物浦都是自然的城市。莱维顿镇,昌迪加尔和英国的新城则是人造的城市。 It is more and more widely recognized today that there is some essential ingredient missing from artificial cities. When compared with ancient cities that have acquired the patina of life, our modern attempts to create cities artificially are, from a human point of view, entirely unsuccessful. 今天,人们越来越广泛的认识到,人造的城市中缺少一些必要的因素。从人类的视角看来, 与那些拥有悠久历史的古老城市相比,我们这些现代人尝试人工创造的城市,是完全失败的。 Both the tree and the semilattice are ways of thinking about how a large collection of many small systems goes to make up a large and complex system. More generally, they are both names for structures of sets. 数形与半格都是考虑一种思考一些很大数量的小的体系是如何构成一个大的复杂的系统的方 法。更通俗的说,他们都是集合的构造的名字。 In order to define such structures, let me first define the concept of a set. A set is a collection of elements which for some reason we think of as belonging together. Since, as designers, we are concerned with the physical living city and its physical backbone, we must naturally restrict ourselves to considering sets which are collections of material elements such as people, blades of grass, cars, molecules, houses, gardens, water pipes, the water molecules in them etc. 为了定义这种结构,首先定义一下“集合”的概念。“集合”是一个由于某些原因我们认为 具有同一属性的要素的收集。于是,作为设计者,我们关心物质的适于生活的城市以及它的 中轴线,我们必须限制我们自己去考虑那些物质的元素的集合,例如人人,草,汽车,分子, 房子,花园,水管以及其中的水分子等等。 When the elements of a set belong together because they co-operate or work together somehow, we call the set of elements a system. 当集合里的元素因为他们相互合作或者因某些原因一起运转时,我们称这种集合为“系统”。 For example, in Berkeley at the corner of Hearst and Euclid, there is a drugstore, and outside the drugstore a traffic light. In the entrance to the drugstore there is a newsrack where the days papers are displayed. When the light is red, people who are waiting to cross the street stand idly by the light; and since they have nothing to do, they look at the papers displayed on the newsrack which they can see from where they stand. Some of them just read the headlines, others actually buy a paper while they wait. 例如,在伯克利,赫斯特和欧几里德的拐弯处,有一个药房,在药


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