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Page 1 of 4 John Smith ACME Corporation 123 Corporate Lane Milford, CT 06461 March 2, 2007 Charles Jones CFO Fictiona, Inc. 456 cutive Drive Anywhere, CT 06777 Dear Charles Jones As a long-time admirer of the outstanding work that your organization has done in the market, I particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to see how your company functions from the inside. As you indicated during our meeting, your organization has grown to a point where it needs to dramatically enhance its accounting function so that it can continue to function effectively. This correspondence outlines the complete scope of work you requested, including objectives, procedures, identification of responsibilities, and estimated fees. OBJECTIVE Implement the Model 60 accounting system on the network. Install the Model 60 software, including implementation and setup, training, conversion assistance, and post-conversion support of the library master, general ledger, accounts payable, and import master modules. Provide professional assistance related to this new system and coordinate the bridge to and from the Wile Research and Coyot, Ltd. software. Success of this project is dependent not only on the software, but also on your personnels skill, effort, and willingness to work as a cohesive team. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Procedures a. Assist in planning implementation of the Model 60 accounting system. b. Recommend steps required to successfully install the new system and assist in assembling setup ination and accounting data used in the implementation process. c. Establish specifications for the bridge from the Wile Research software to capture cash receipt ination. Note Wile Research software has a “general ledger distribution“ file that contains ination that can be bridged in detail or summary at. The interface export file will be written by Wile Research staff. d. Establish specifications for the bridge from the Coyot, Ltd. software to bridge payment schedules for grants issued. e. Write the bridge to receive import the ination into the Model 60 software. BENEFITS When the project is complete, our neighborhood group will have successfully converted to the Model 60 integrated accounting system. Benefits include timely, accurate accounting data, ease of data entry, and flexible reporting with a bridge to your gift and donor software.Comment [REH1] Note the 10 off deposit below Page 2 of 4 SOFTWARE COSTS AND PROFESSIONAL FEES Software costs and fee estimates are summarized on the attached schedule. These fees are effective provided a your accounting records are in good order, and b a staff member can devote full time to the implementation process. Fees will be adjusted to actual accordingly. We will not incur additional hours without written prior approval. Our fee does not include modifications to the Model 60 software. Our terms are 5045 deposit on software costs before we begin. The balance for software costs i


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