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2005.174 Care to do the honors Mickey 1. Why don’t you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all 2. I will do the honors and open the present. Two and a half years of undercover work. 秘密的 1. The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers. 2. James Bond works undercover to get secret ination from his enemies. Well, so long. 再见(要分别好一阵子) 1. I will see you when you return to Beijing, so long. 2. Take care and so long, I hope you have a good trip. 2005.175 Don’t throw it all away. 你浪费了机会 1. He has a great success until he threw it all away gambling. 2. You could do so much with your life. So don’t quit school and throw it all away. till the end of his days 1. He lived in the same apartment till the end of his days. 2. My grandparents were married till the end of their days. I keep a low profile. 低调  high profile 高调 1. I was late for work today. I should keep a low profile so the boss does not notice. 2. Dave is keeping a low profile until his exam is over. He really wants a good grade. 2005.176 Be my guest. 你是我的客人、你想做什么就做什么吧 1. If you think you can do the job, be my guest and give it a try. 2. -Can I try your new badminton racket -Sure, be my guest. I have to hand it to ya. I have to congratulate you. 1. I have to hand it to ya, I mean that is a great party. 2. I don’t know how you meet so many girls, I have to hand it to ya. You really came through. help somebody when they really need 1. My brother really came through when he lent me the money to pay for college. 2. Thanks for driving me to work this morning, you really came through. I would have been late2005.177 They do not know any better. 不太懂事 1. Don’t punish my son for stealing, he does not know any better. 2. You cannot get mad at the dog for ruining your shoes, he does not know any better. Welcome to the club. 同病相怜 1. Your girlfriend dumped you Welcome to the club, mine dumped me last week. 2. I hope my band gets famous. Welcome to the club--who does not want to be a rock star I hate it when negotiations get sour. 变酸、引申为变得让人不愉快 1. The game got sour when all the players started yelling at the referee.裁判 2. The date got sour when my ex-girlfriend showed up last night. 2005.178 I did not catch it. 没听清、没听明白 1. -What did the weather report say -I did not catch it. 2. -What was her name again -I did not catch it when she was introduced. we are on it 1.我们马上就去做;2.我们已经在做、很快就要做完了 1. The boss asked us if we could finish the report by 5pm, I told him we were on it. 2. -Did you remember to call your mother -No, but I will get on it. You are a bigger pain in the nock than I thought. 让你头痛、气恼、不舒服 1. Her sister is a pain in the neck, she is always stealing Nancy’s clothes. 2. I really wish my ex-boyfriend would stop calling me. He is such a pain in the neck. 2005.179 You are a sneak. sb. who does things around you 但不经过你的同意、鬼鬼祟祟 1. You threw me a surprise party You are such a sneak. 2. You sneak How did you get into the movies without paying good for


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