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Chapter 18. JBPM Migration(JBPM 迁移) (1) Chapter 18. JBPM Migration(JBPM 迁移) Table of Contents 目录表 Database migration 数据迁移 Process conversion 流程转换 Extend the migration logic 扩展迁移逻辑 The jBPM migration is considered [EXPERIMENTAL]. jBPM 迁移仅作[EXPERIMENTAL]之用。 It is possible to migrate an existing installation of jBPM version 3 to Activiti. The migration includes both process definition conversion ie. from JPDL 3 to BPMN 2.0 and data migration. 将一个已安装的 jBPM 版本 3 迁移到 Activiti 是有可能的。迁移包括流程定义转换(例如从 JPDL3 到 BPMN 2.0)和数据迁移。 The migration tool is currently offered as a preview only The migration coverage is at this point in time not sufficient to be usable on production process definitions and databases. Also note that the migration is a best effort, which means that you may need to extend the migration logic to cover all your use cases. 迁移工具目前只作为‘预览’之用当前迁移不能覆盖到产品的流程定义和数据。也要注意迁移是‘最大的努力’,这意味着你可以需要‘扩展迁移逻辑’来控制你所有的用例。 The migration tool is separately availbale as a zip file from the activiti.org download site. Once you have unzipped this file, you will see following files and folders 迁移工具从 activiti.org 下载站点以 zip 文件方式分开下载。一旦加压这个文件,文件和文件夹如下所示  build.xml This ant buildfile contains the targets to cute the process definition conversion and database migration.  build.xml 这个 ant 构建文件包含了执行流程定义转换和数据库迁移的目标。  activiti.db.properties and jbpm3.db.properties these properties files contain the database connection parameters for the jBPM 3 and Activiti database. These properties files must be changed when cuting a database migration.  activiti.db.properties and jbpm3.db.properties这个特性文件包含了 jBPM 和 Activiti 数据库的数据库连接参数。当执行数据库迁移时,必须改变这些特性文件。  processes when running a process definition conversion, the jBPM 3 process definition files must be placed in this folder.  processes当运行流程定义转换时,jBPM3 流程定义文件必须放置到这个文件夹。  src this folder contains the source code of the migration tool. Read the extension section if you want to tailor or extend the migration code to your needs.  src这个文件包含迁移工具的源代码。如果希望裁剪或者扩展迁移代码满足你自己的需求,请阅读扩展部分。  lib this folder contains all jars required to cute the migration logic.  lib这个文件夹包含执行迁移逻辑的全部 jar 包。 Database migration 数据库迁移 It is possible to migrate the data in the jBPM 3 database tables to the Activiti database schema. To do this, following properties files must be changed to point at the right database 将 jBPM3 数据库表迁移到 Activiti 数据库 schema 是有可能的。为了完成这个任务,必须改变下面的 properties 文件,指向正确的数据库  jbpm3.db.properties contains the parameters to connect to the jBPM 3 database. Also the Hibernate dialect must be provided.  jbpm3.db.properties包含了连接 jBPM3 数据库的参数。也必须提供 Hibernate 方言。  activiti.db.properties contains the parameters to connect to database to which the migrated data will be written. This can be the same database schema as the jBPM schema ie. there are no name-clashes between jBPM and Activiti tables, inds, foreign keyes, etc.  activiti.db.properties 包含了迁移将要写入数据库的连接参数。这个可能是和 jBPM 相同数据


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