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action english 2006110-120 110 stand by sb. support sb. is standing by 待命 1. We have a doctor standing by just in case that something terrible happens. 2. We will be ready to start in a minute. – OK, standing by. saint 圣人、圣徒、太好了、形容孩子指行为举止很规范 1. -Does he often get in trouble at school No, he is a little saint. She is out of your league. 你的层面没她高 1. What do you think of her - That girl is way out of your league. Be careful, or you will get hurt. 2. I know you like that car, but you don’t have that kind of money. Bentley is way out of your league. 111 a dish tasty 漂亮的 1. I saw a new girl today. She is a bit of a dish 2. She is quite tasty a bowl of cherries 极佳的 1. Life is not always a bowl of cherries. sour grapes 酸葡萄心理 1. I suppose that is just sour grapes. skeletons in one’s cupboard 不可告人的秘密 1. Some famous politicians have been troubled by the skeletons in their cupboards. 2. If you have some skeletons in your cupboard, you’d better clear them out. cannot take one’s eyes off sb./ sth. 1. You are just too good to be true. I cannot take my eyes off you. 2. She likes you. She cannot take her eyes off you. 112 give me a sec 1. Before you meet sb. or before a meal, you’d better freshen up.梳妆打扮 deadlock 僵局、平局 1. The traffic is jammed in front and behind. There is no way out of this deadlock 2. After 90 minutes of soccer the game ended in deadlock at 1-1.113 icebreaker 打圆场的人 1. A subtle joke is always a good icebreaker. 2. Lizan and I had not spoken for nearly a month, when I broke the ice by asking her to marry me. overwhelmed 笼罩着、力量很重 1. He was overwhelmed by sadness. 2. When I told him the news, he was overwhelmed by joy. 3. I am overwhelmed by the pressure of exams. No one else stands a chance. 有没有成功的机会、胜利的可能 1. You are much better than her, she does not stand a chance. 2. But if you win, you don’t stand a chance of going out with her brother. 3. Do you think I can win -You stand a chance. 114 serial monogamist 连环一夫一妻主义者 I just potter along. 闲逛 1. He is just pottering around the garden. 2. I enjoy pottering around the city at night. city 放在后面、加强语气 1. You don’t have a girlfriend now, but after you buy this aftershave it will be babe city.漂 亮女孩 2. How is the party last night – Terrible Boredom city 3. I cannot believe it. It has been sun city all the week, and now, it rains on our wedding day. 4. It was heartbreak city. I cried all night. 115 stiff 很古板、守旧、无趣的人 1. What do you think of Mike That guy is not very friendly. Well, you know, he is a real stiff. 2. You have to swear a shirt and a tie to teach Yeah, my boss is a real stiff. shopping excursion 远足大购物 1. Last weekend my girlfriend and I went on a shopping excursion and bought lots of new clothes. 2. Some people travel from Beijing to Hone Kong just for a shopping excursion. recap go over something again 回顾 1. Now for a recap of tonight’s language points.2. Let’s recap from last week’s program. 116 pop the question 求婚 1. I really love her and I want to marry her. –When


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