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action english 2006090-099 090 cash in 兑现/ [俚]die 形容不喜欢的 1. Lili’s pet rabbit cashed in yesterday, she cried the whole day. 2. I heard my neighbor downstairs cashed in last week. I was so happy. He was horrible to me. if you insist 如果你坚持,我就按你的意思办,虽然我并不情愿/ 实际是乐意这么做的 a man of many talents 多面手、多才多艺 1. You are a man of many talents, aren’t you 091 handsomely 潇洒地/ 形容钱,表示一大笔钱 1. Manchester United footballers are all paid handsomely. 2. My pay is terrible. I wish I was paid as handsomely as the boss He gets five thousand a year plus a company bicycle. the Ten Commandments 十戒 You sound like my mother. 你不需要管这么多 1. – You should stop smoking. It is harm for your health. - You sound like my mother. 2. – Stop lazing about and do some work - You sound just like the boss, do you know that 092 hocus-pocus 故弄玄虚 1. I don’t believe in ghosts, it is all hocus-pocus 2. You read that rubbish It is all hocus-pocus show sb. a good time 带谁度过一段欢乐的时光 1. To show a girl a good time you should give her flowers and go to an exotic restaurant (异国情调的餐馆)before catching a flick. 电影 2. Wow, my boyfriend showed me a great time tonight. Life goes on. 日子还要过下去 1. –My girlfriend left me -I know you are hurt but life goes on. / But life really does go on. 2. I am sorry. He was a lovely man but life goes on. He 过世了093 Archaeology is not an exact science. 很周密、严谨的科学 1. –Psychology is useless. It does not help anybody. - It is not an exact science, true. But it is often effective. 2. Medicine might not be an exact science but it is always making a lot of progress. squeamish 看到什么时反应特别强烈 1. –If I see blood, I faint. 头晕 -Really, you are very squeamish. 2. –I cannot kill cockroaches蟑螂. I am too squeamish. 094 chaperon 伴护人 1. God My mother always insists on chaperoning me wherever I go I cannot stand. 2. Can I go to the dancing party- Yeah, sure. But your brother has to be your chaperon. adieu 再见【法文】 1. Adieu, my darling 2. Adieu, my enemy Ciao Hell0; Bye I was trying to escape, no thanks to you.你根本就没有帮助我 1. I passed the exam, no thanks to my English teacher 2. I got a car. No thanks to you. 095 Holy smoke My friend惊奇、喜悦 holly 冬青树、圣诞树 1. Holy smoke I made it 2. Holy smoke You are rich be uncomfortable with don’t like 1. I am uncomfortable with working with James. We don’t get along. 2. I am uncomfortable with meeting your parents so soon. Let’s wait a few more weeks. give sb. a bad name 玷污了某人、给某人丢脸了 1. I have got to stop him. He is going to give Chinese a bad name. 2. He is going to give us a bad name with the boss. 096 Amen 但愿如此/ agree 1. Help us. Amen. 2. For this ford we give the thanks. Amen.3. I wish I was rich. – Amen. 4. The commitment gave its Amen to the proposal. Where do you think you are going 1. Where does Tom think he is going That is the boss’s room. 2. Where do you think you are going This is a bar for adults. 097 have a word with sb. 1. I need to have a word with you. 2. Can I have a word with you about our new project 3. I will have a word


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