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Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 多国语言版正式零售版(附注册 机) http// Adobe Acrobat 8 主要增加了网络会议功能,使用多种软件平台的 用户都可通过 PDF 文档共享信息,内建的安全机制可自由控制共享、 编辑的具体内容。Acrobat 8 还支持 PDF/X-1a、PDF/X-3 、PDF/X- 4、PDF/A 等新格式,可提供透明、存档等功能。 除了提供编辑功能的 Acrobat 8,只有浏览功能的 Adobe Reader 8 将在下月发布。 Acrobat 8 支持 Windows 和 Mac (Universal binary ,支持 PPC 和 Intel 核心 Mac)的两种平台,专业版售价 449 美元,标准版售价 299 美元。 目前中文介绍不多,以下是官方介绍 Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional software enables business professionals to reliably create, combine, and control Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secure distribution, collaboration, and data collection. CreateEasily create Adobe PDF documents from Microsoft Office, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, Lotus Notes, or any application that prints. Combine Combine documents, drawings, and rich media content into a single, polished Adobe PDF document. Optimize file size, and arrange files in any order regardless of file type, dimensions, or orientation. Collaborate Enable users of Adobe Reader software version 7.0 or 8 to participate in shared reviews.Use the Start Meeting button to collaborate in real-time with the new Adobe Acrobat Connect line of products. Collect Easily collect and distribute s, combine collected s into a searchable, sortable PDF package, and export collected data into a spreadsheet. Windows only Control Control access to and use of Adobe PDF documents, assign digital rights, and maintain document integrity. Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional software is the advanced way forbusiness professionals to create, combine, control, and deliver moresecure, high-quality Adobe PDF documents for easy, more securedistribution, collaboration, and data collection.Assemble electronic orpaper fileseven Web sites, engineering drawings, and e-mailintoreliable PDF documents that are easy to share with others using freeAdobe Reader software. Manage document reviews, synthesizing feedback from multiple reviewerswhile preserving document at and integrity. Extend commentingcapabilities to anyone using Adobe Reader. Windows users can designintelligent Adobe PDF s that include business logic, such ascalculations and data validations, to help increase the accuracy ofdata collection while reducing the costs of manual data entry. New Features in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 - Combine multiple files into a PDF package - Auto-recognize fields - Manage shared reviews - Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader - Permanently remove sensitive ination - Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF - Archive Lotus Notes e-mail - Save in Microsoft Word- Enjoy improved perance and support for AutoCAD - Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface eMule 下载地址Adobe.Acrobat.8.Professional.ISO HTTP 下载地址 高速下载 http// 官方下载 http// 其它下载地址ftp//xdownsnewpassftp.102.xdow


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