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Test Ination   Test Description  Test Preparation  Terms Conditions  Security of Testing  When to Apply  Application The AEAS Assessment is specifically developed or selected for international Primary and Secondary school students wishing to study in Australian and international schools in other countries. The AEAS English language proficiency tests are developed under contract to AEAS by the Language Testing Research Centre at the University of Melbourne. The test development meets the highest international standards with reliablity and validity of test materials well established. The AEAS Report presents accurate ination on students’ abilities. The AEAS Assessment includes  English Language Proficiency 2 hours  Mathematical Reasoning Ability 30-45 minutes  Non-Verbal General Ability 30 minutes approximately Testing takes approximately 3 hours.1. English Language Proficiency The English language tests assess a student’s ability using a threshold approach. This is based on the minimum level of English language proficiency required before an international student can be expected to cope in Australian schools. Tests are available for the following year levels  Years 4 – 6  Years 7 – 9  Years 10-12 Years 10-12 Sub Test Time Allowed Number of items/tasks Vocabulary 20 minutes 20 – 25 Reading Comprehension 30-35 minutes 20 – 30 Writing Skills 30 minutes 1 Listening Skills 20 minutes 20 – 25 Speaking 10-15 minutes 3 – 4 Vocabulary The vocabulary subtest  Comprises at least 20 items  Tests both passive and active knowledge  Includes a variety of item types including multiple choice questions, matching and gap filling. Reading Comprehension The reading comprehension subtest  Comprises two to three texts of different types  Has 20 – 30 test items  Includes a range of topics that are appealing and relevant to students’ age and background  Tests a range of reading skills and  Includes a variety of item types including multiple choice questions, matching and gap- filling. Writing The writing subtest  Is based on topics of interest and relevance to students’ age and background  Comprises one task  Requires students to write at least 200 words.Listening The listening test  Includes a range of text types including monologue, dialogue and instructions  Comprises four to six texts with at least 20 items  Includes a range of topics appealing and relevant to students’ age and background  Includes a variety of item types such as multiple choice questions, matching and gap- filling. Speaking The speaking subtest  Is administered face to face and will generally be taped  Includes 3-4 stages  Comprises a range of conversational tasks such as questions on familiar and unfamiliar topics, a short presentation on a specified topic and a discussion of pictures  Assesses range,complexity and accuracy of vocabulary and grammar, fluency and pronunciation. The speaking test takes approximately 10-15 minute


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