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Lv Jun Advanced English Writing Page 1 of 5 Lecture 6 Description I. What is description Description is the art of translating perceptions into words. Descriptive writing can be compared to a good photograph it presents a clear picture of an object, a person, or a scene. But good description goes a step further. It appeals to the reader’s sense of sound, smell, touch, taste, and sight. It is filled with details that help to create a dominant impression; it has a focus. II. The basic types of description Description can be two basic types objective and impressionistic. Objective description can be also called “physical description” or “scientific description”. Objective description attempts to report accurately the appearance of the object as a thing in itself, independent of the observer’s perception of it or feelings about it. It is a factual account, the purpose of which is to in a reader who has not been able to see with his own eyes. The writer regards himself as a kind of camera, recording and reproducing, though in words, a true picture. Impressionistic description can be also called “subjective description” or “imaginative description”. It focuses upon the mood or feeling the object evokes in the observer, rather than the object as it exists in itself. Impressionistic description does not seek to in but to arouse emotion. It attempts to make us feel more than make us see. Thus the communication of feeling is the primary purpose of impressionistic description. In an objective description, you describe the subject in straightforward and literal way, without revealing your attitude or feelings. For instance, an objective description of the weather will be like this All day we had temperatures of 30 degrees F and heavy rains driven by winds of 35-45mph. In contrast, when writing an impressionistic description, you convey a highly personal view of your subject and seek to elicit a strong emotional response from your readers. An impressionistic description of the weather is All day the weather was dismal. III. Structure of a descriptive essay In a descriptive essay, the introduction, body, and conclusion all work together to bring a subject to life. The introduction captures the reader’s attention. The topic statement expresses on main impression of the subject. The body of supporting paragraphs brings the picture to life through specific details and words that appeal to the senses. The conclusion reinforces the overall impression by summarizing the specific details or by making a vivid comparison. IV. Features of a descriptive essay 1. A descriptive essay has one, clear dominant impression, a mood or atmosphere that reinforces your writing purpose. If, for example, you are describing a snowfall, it is Lv Jun Advanced English Writing Page 2 of 5 important for you to decide and to let your readers know if it is th


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