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摘 要 机械制造工艺学是机械专业的一门主要专业课,是以研究机械加工工艺技术和夹具设计为主技术学科,具有很强的实践性,要求学习过程中应紧密联系生产实践,同时它又具有很强的综合性。 本次毕业设计的课题是CA6140车床法兰盘加工工艺规程及某一工序专用夹具设计,主要内容如下 首先,对零件进行分析,主要是零件作用的分析和工艺分析,通过零件分析可以了解零件的基本情况,而工艺分析可以知道零件的加工表面和加工要求。根据零件图提出的加工要求,确定毛坯的制造形式和尺寸的确定。 第二步,进行基面的选择,确定加工过程中的粗基准和精基准。根据选好的基准,制订工艺路线,通常制订两种以上的工艺路线,通过工艺方案的比较与分析,再选择可以使零件的几何形状、尺寸精度及位置精度等技术要求得到合理的保证的一种工序。 第三步,根据已经选定的工序路线,确定每一步的切削用量及基本工时,并选择合适的机床和刀具。对于粗加工,还要校核机床功率。 最后,设计第三道工序钻法兰盘孔的夹具。先提出设计问题,再选择定位基准,然后开始切削力、夹紧力的计算和定位误差的分析。然后把设计的过程整理为图纸。 通过以上的概述,整个设计基本完成。 关键词法兰盘;加工工艺;夹具设计 I Abstract Mechanical manufacturing technology is a major course of mechanical engineering, studying mechanical processing technology and fixture design is given priority to technology subject, has a strong practicality, requirements in the learning process should be closely contact with production practice, at the same time it has a strong comprehensive. The subject of this graduation project is that CA6140 lathe ring flange processing technology rules and special-purpose jig of a certain process are designed, the main content is as follows First of all, analyzing this part , it is mainly analysis of the function of the part and craft analysis to the part , through part analyzed can find out about basic situation of part, and craft analyzed may know the processing surface of the part and is it require to process. The processing demand put forward according to the part picture, confirm the manufacture of the blank and sureness of the size. The second step, carry on the choice the base , confirm thick datum and precise datum in the processing course. According to the datum chosen , make the craft route , usually make the craft route of more than two kinds, with analyzing through the comparison of the craft scheme, and then choosing be able to make such specification requirements as the precision of geometry , size of the part and precision of position ,etc. get a kind of process of the rational assurance s. The third step, according to the already selected process route, confirm for every steps of cutting consumption and basic man-hour , choose suitable lathe and cutter. To rough machining , will check the power of the lathe . Finally , design the third process - the jig getting into the hole of the ring flange. Put forward the question of designing first , and then choose to orient the datum , then the calculation that begins to cut strength , clamp strength and analysis of the localization error. Then put the design course in order as the drawing. Through the summary of the above, design and finish basically entirely. Keywords Flange; Process the craft; The tongs design II 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第1章 引言1 1.1 概述1 课题的发展趋势1 1.3 课题研究的内容与意义2 1.3.1 课题研究的内容2 1.3.2 课题的意义2 第2章 零件的分析4 2.1 零件的工艺分析4 2.2 确定毛坯的制造形式5 2.3 基面的选择5 2.4 制定工艺路线5 2.5 机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定8 2.6 确定切削用量及基本工时12 2.6.1 工序Ⅰ12 工序 Ⅱ19 工序 Ⅲ31 工序 Ⅳ36 工序 Ⅴ40 工序 Ⅵ42 工序 Ⅶ44 工序 Ⅷ44 第3章 夹具设计


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