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v1.0 可编辑可修改 人教版pep小学五年级上期英语选词填空练习 选词填空 get sweep home clean school water kind funny like tall teacher young Hi, I’m Mike. I __________ up at 630 and go to __________ at 700. At school, I __________ the classroom and __________ the classroom and __________ the flowers. I __________ English class. My English __________ is Miss Li. She is __________ and __________. She is very __________, but she isn’t __________. have has Mr He’s likes class tall Miss long like very She’s I __________ a new English is __________ White. __________ very kind and active. We all __________ her class. Because her __________ is so funny. She is __________ and strong. She __________ big eyes and __________ hair. She __________ apples __________ much.. have has watch TV am here are math like on in They’re but favourite She’s English HelloI’m Jack. I __________ 11. My __________ class is science. We __________ science __________ Mondays. I __________ fish and vegetables. __________ healthy. My mother si an __________ teacher. She’s funny. __________ strict to me. I often __________ __________ on Saturdays. a, picture, small, big, on, curtains, nice, room, an, window, like, near Look, this is a __________ of my room. It’s not __________, but it’s __________. There is a __________ bed in the middle of my__________. There is __________ air-conditioner __________ the wall. There are blue __________ and a big __________. I like my room very much. (boy , is , girl , set , make , empty , cook , homework , housework , sweep, water , helpful) The pretty__________ is my sister, Sarah. We often do __________ at home on the weekends. I am very __________ at home. I can __________ the floor, __________ the bed and __________ the table. Sarah __________ helpful, too. She can __________ the trash, __________ the flowers and __________ the meals. Today on beef for favourite don’t like It’s They’re is are sweet __________ is Sunday. My mom cooks many food __________ the weekend. We have potatoes, __________, green beans, fish and cabbage __________ lunch. Potatoes are my mom’s __________ food, but I __________ like them. I __________ green beans very much. __________ tasty and healthy. Dad’s favourite food __________ beef. After lunch, we eat some apples. They are __________. city, are, tall, aren’t, big, lake, houses, air, water, colourful, picture, park, sky Look, this is a__________ of my__________. It’s a __________ city. There __________ some rivers. But the __________ is not clean. There are many __________ buildings. There are some small __________, too. On weekends, I often go to the __________. The __________ is fresh. The flowers are __________. I like there very much. home, teacher, cook, he, she, ten, student, can, empty, table, can’t, helpful, help, wash I’m __________ years old. I’m a good __________ at school. I’m also a go


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