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v1.0 可编辑可修改 必背短语 1. in English Chinese 用英语(汉语) 2. what color 什么颜色 3. how much un 多少 4. how many pl. 多少 5. how old 多大 6. black and white 黑白相间 7. good morning afternoon, evening 早上(下午,晚上)好 8. thank you for thanks for 因为而感谢 9. first name 名 10. last name family name 姓 11. telephone phone number 电话号码 12. an ID card 一张身份证 13. a school ID card 一张学生证 14. an orange orange 一个橙色的桔子 15. an alarm clock 一个闹钟 16. an interesting book 一本有趣的书 17. excuse me 请原谅,打扰了 18. call me at 号码 用给某人打电话 19. in the lost and found case 在失物招领处 20. a set of keys 一串钥匙 21. my two cousins 我的两个表兄弟(姐妹) 22. a photo of my family my family photo 我的全家福 23. under the table 在桌子下 24. on the sofa bookcase , chair , dresser , bed 在沙发(书橱,椅子,床)上 25. in the drawer backpack 在抽屉(双肩背包)里 26. take these things to 把(这些东西)带到 27. bring some things to 把(一些东西)带来 28. two math books两本数学书 29. play tennis volleyball, baseball, basketball 打网球(排球,棒球,篮球) 30. play soccer football 踢足球 31. play sports do sports 进行体育运动 32. play computer games 打游戏 33. a sports club many sports clubs 一个(许多)运动俱乐部) 34. sound good difficult, boring, relaxing 听上去不错( 难,无聊,令人放松) 35. watch TV看电视 36. watch basketball game them on TV 在电视上观看篮球赛(他们) 37. a great small sports collection 一个大量的(小的)运动品收藏 38. every day 每天 39. French fries 薯条 40. have eat tomatoes strawberries 吃西红柿(草莓) 41. a running star 一个跑步明星 42. eat well 吃得好 43. play volleyball well 打排球打得好 44. lots of much, a lot of healthy food 许多健康的食物 45. lots of many, a lot of runners 许多跑步者 46. for breakfast lunch, dinner 就早餐(中餐,晚餐)而言 47. for dessert 就甜食而言 48. for girls boys 对女孩(男孩)来说 49. bags shoes for sports sports bags shoes 运动包 50. have eat for breakfast lunch, dinner 吃早(中,晚)餐 51. this that yellow skirt 这(那)件黄色的短裙 52. these those blue pants shorts, socks, shoes 这些蓝色的长裤(短裤,短袜,鞋) 53. my long red ruler我的红色的长直尺 54. his big white bag 他的白色的大包 55. come and buy come to buy 来卖 56. come and see come to see 来看 57. come to our class 来到我们的班上 58. for yourself 亲自 59. great sale 大降价 60. ( 某物)be on sale for ( 钱) 某物正以价格销售 61. sell for 以价格销售 62. buy for 以价格买入 63. sell to 把卖给 64. buy from 从买入 65. T-shirts in red red T-shirts 红色的T恤衫 66. at a very good price 以非常合理的价格(优惠价) 67. have a look at look at看 68. my mother’s father’s , parents’ birthday 我妈妈(父亲)的生日 69. his twelfth birthday 他的12生日 70. the fifth month of the year 一年的第五个月 71. birthday party 生日聚会 72. date of birth 出生日期 73. years old 岁 74. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛 75. school trip 郊游 76. volleyball basketball game排球(篮球)比赛 77. at your school 在你们学校 78. an Art Festival 艺术节 79. music festival 音乐节 80. go to a movie see a movie 去看电影 81. an action movie 动作片 82. Chinese action movies 中国功夫片 83. lea


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