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如何写投诉信及其回复 一、投诉信的写作要点和套语 -----提出写信的目的是为了埋怨或投诉 -----表明投诉的缘由 -----希望问题能够得到解决 dear sir or madam, i was a visitor in your hotel for three days during may 5 to may 8. i am sorry i have to say i was greatly disappointed with the inconvenient service you provided. i am sure that you will agree with me that your service is unacceptable. i trust that you will take immediate steps to correct the situation and i look forward to your reply. faithfully yours, john smith 在结构上,这封投诉信一开头就说明白写信的缘由-----在酒店入住期间对其服务不满足。其次段中列举了埋怨的三个具体事实。一是电灯的问题,二是食物问题,三是服务不热忱问题。最终一段中向酒店负责人提出中肯的看法,希望对方能够改善服务质量。 在语言方面,简洁明白。最大的特色是留意了礼貌用语。例如,开头提出问题时,用了i am sorry i have to say that。在写埋怨信时,礼貌用语很重要,因为对服务或商品不满足,很简单用充溢怨气的语言,所以得体的语言才不会影响投诉者与被投诉者之间今后的关系。比如,原文中用unpleasant 修饰factor,而没有运用disgusting等语气剧烈的形容词。最终一段中用了i trust that 和i look forward to这样的句式,一方面,它们是埋怨信的良好结尾,另一方面说明白对对方的信任和对快速处理方法的期盼。 dear mr. jack, the 50 tea sets we ordered were delivered yesterday, but we regret that 5 sets were badly damaged. the packages containing the tea sets appeared to be in good condition, so we accepted and signed for them without question. we unpacked the tea sets with great care and can only assume that the damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing. we shall be glad if you will replace all 5 sets as soon as possible. meanwhile, we have put the damaged tea sets aside in case you need to check them. yours sincerely, david 此信的开头表明收到了50套茶具,并用了we regret that .这样的句式表达对五套已损坏的茶具的缺憾。其次段中,说明白茶具损坏的可能缘由。在用词方面也留意了一些技巧,如appear to 和we assume that等。最终表明希望损坏的茶具能够得到更换处理。值得留意的是,为确保提出损坏物品的真实性,所以交代了损坏物品已保管好,待对方核实,以便处理。 常见开头和结尾 开头法 1. we are sorry to in you that were badly damaged when delivered. 2. on inspection, we found that the quality of the goods did not meet the contract standard. 3. we regret to find that your delivery of our. 4. a portion of the goods arrived damaged. we have to put in a claim for the damage. 5. i am writing to in you that i am dissatisfied with your 7.the purpose of my letter is to express my satisfaction with 结尾法 1. i am looking forward to your due attention and proper solution on this matter. 2. despite the trouble and inconvenience this matter may cause to you. i hope you can give me a satisfactory solution to 3. i understand you will give immediate attention to this matter. 4. i would like to have his matter settled by the end of 5. we do hope that you’ll take measures to solve the problem. 二、投诉信的回复 当收到因为给对方造成了损伤或不便的埋怨信后,必需立刻赐予答复。从肯定意义上说,也就是写一封致歉信。其写作要点通常包括以下几点; -----表示真诚的歉意 -----说明造成损失或不便的缘由 -----表示今后的做法或处理方法 dear mr. smith, i am sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy your stay in our hotel. at the same time, thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. it is my oversight. i’ll go myself and look into the matter immediately. meanwhile, i won’t hesitate to improve the lighting facility, food quality and the service of the waiters. i do hope that we can meet your full satisfaction when you visit the hotel aga


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