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在外贸业务中,我们每天都在回复客人的询盘,那么你的回复是否标准,是否表达得明确而详细呢这是我收集到的回复报价的英文样函,和大家一起共享 吧。 说明涨价缘由 Dear Sir or Madam Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. The explanation for our increased prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10 more for our raw materials than we were paying last year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15. As you know, we take great pride in our product an dare proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have built over 15years. We will not compromise that reputation because of raising costs. We have, therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our products. We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your cooperation. With best regards, Hillary 劝服买家涨价之前下单 Dear Sir or Madam This is regarding our quotation dated 2 November, and our mail offer dated 8 November concerning the supply of widgets小机具.We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month. For your ination, the market is firm and growing. There is very little likelihood of any significant change in the visible future. As this product is in great demand and the supply is limited, to secure your order, we would recommend that you accept this offer without delay. Yours sincerely, Hillary 对价格作出让步 Dear Sir or Madam Thank you for your mail. We are disappointed to hear that our price for your required product is too high for your acceptance. You mentioned that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 8 lower than our quote. We accept your position, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer. We do want to try and work with you, and meet your request, but the best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 3.We hope that this will meet your approval. We look forward to hearing from you. With best regards, Hillary 答复在30日有效期的信用状付款的建议 Dear Sir or Madam Thank you for your order of 500b/w TV sets by your letter dated 17 July. We have considered your proposal to pay by a 30-day letter of credit. We do not usually accept time credit; however, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship, we are willing to make an exception this time. I must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. This one-time accommodation does not set a precedent for future transactions. I am enclosing our sales contract No.834 covering the order. I would be grateful if you would follow the usual procedure. Yours sincerely, Hillary 答复干脆付款的要求 Dear Sir or Madam Thank you for your letter dated 2 October requesting payment against documents for contracts No.48


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