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四年级下英语期中测试-轻巧夺冠_人教版(pep )哈尔滨市(有答案)

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四年级下英语期中测试-轻巧夺冠_人教版(pep )哈尔滨市(有答案)

学 校 四 年 班 姓 名 装 订 线 外 禁 止 答 题 乐胜乡第一小学校四年级期中测试 英语试卷 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分 一. 读一读,选出不同类的一项.(10分) ( )1. A..yellow B.green C.floor 2. A.board B.gym C.art room 3. A.Chinese B.English C.class 4. A.nine B.fine C.five 5. A.short B.shoes C.jeans 二. 读一读,选出画线部分发音不同的一项.(10分) ( ) 1. A.apple B.cake C.grapes 2. A.he B.pen C.desk 3. A.bike B.kite C.pig 4. A.taxi B.fish C.rice 5. A.me B.bed C.she 三. 读一读,连一连.(10分) 1. What colour is it A.OhIt’s your baby brother’s. 2. Is this your skirt, Alice B.It’s on the bed. 3. Whose is it C.It’s blue. 4. Is that your shirt, Dad D.Yes, it is. Thank you. 5. Where is my dress E.No, my shirt is yellow. 四. 选择填空.(20分) ( )1.Whose is the skirt It’s_________. A.She B.me C.Amy’s 2.Is that your________ A.dresses B.shoes C.Tshirt 3.I have a new dress_______my birthday party. A.for B.to C.on 4._________is it It’s white. A.What time B.What colour C.Whose 5.Look These_______my yellow socks. A.is B.have C.are 6.I go to school ____________800. A.at B.for C.to 7.The library is on the____________floor. A.two B.first C.one 8._________school is beautiful. A.Your B.You C.me 9.It’s time _________lunch. A.to B.for C.of 10.______time for English class. A.It B.What’s C.It’s 五.读一读,从右侧选出最佳答案.(10分) AGood morning. B ______________ A ____________ _____ 1. No, it isn’t. BIt’s 7 o’clock. 2. Good afternoon. A ____________ _____ 3. Yes, it is. BIs it on the bed 4. What time is it A ____________ _____ 5. Where is my dress B ________ _________ 6. Good morning. 四年级期中检测 英语试卷 第1页 (共4页) 四年级期中检测 英语试卷 第2页 (共4页) AIt’s pink. 7. What colour is it B.Look,it’s here. 六.读一读,写一写,补全对话.(10分) ZoomWhat _______these Zip _______are my jeans. Zoom Where are my pants Zip What _______are they Zoom _________ black and blue. Zip Look, they are ________the bed. 七.连词成句.(10分) 1. to the go let’s computer room . ____________________________________ 2. like I the sweater white . ______________________________________


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