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陕西旅游版英语四年级下册期中复习学问要点归纳 (1----8课) (1---3课 主题时间) 一、课题 1、What time is it 2、It’s time to get up. 3、What time do you have breakfast 二、单词及短语 数词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen(十几词尾加-teen) twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety (几十词尾后加-ty) for名词短语 for school / class / breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper 动词短语go to bed get up go swimming go home have breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper / class play games watch TV 三、句型及语法 1、询问时间What time is it / What’s the time 答语It’s 时间 (时辰表示方法整点钟数词+o’clock 一般时间把时和分翻译成数词) 2、询问“现在是做什么的时间”What’s the time for 答语It’s time for名词 3、“现在是进行某种活动的时间” It’s time for 名词 It’s time to 动词短语 4、what time do you 做什么 I 做什么 at 什么时间. What time does he/she 做什么 He/she 做什么(动词加-s或-es)at 什么时间. 四、补充学问 Don,t waste time . 别奢侈时间。 Make a crime. 犯罪 Every day每天 (一般时态标记) (4---5课 主题询问星期和现在进行时态) 一、课题 4、What day is today 5、What are you doing 二、单词及短语 一周七天(week) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 动词短语run jump rope join play with a yo-yo Play football / basketball /volleyball/ping-pong make a present draw a picture listen to the radio sing songs do the homework 三、句型 1、询问星期what day is today It’s 星期. 2、Is it time to 动词短语 Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 3、Let’s go and join him .(join后用人称代词宾语形式) 4、Let me help you.主动向别人供应帮助 5、you are really a nice girl.感叹句what a nice girl 四、语法 1、现在进行时态表示说话时动作正在进行或发生。 时间标记look listen now 构成形式主语人称 + be 动词-ing (强调be 后动词加-ing) 特别疑问句What are you doing I am doing sth. What is he/she doing He/she is doing sth. 一般疑问句Are you doing sth Yes ,I am / No , I am not. Is he/ she doing sth Yes he is / No ,he is not. 把be 提前 2、一般时态表示常常性动作或习惯。 时间标记every day often at 时间 on 星期 in the morning 等. 构成形式主语人称+动词。(动词随人称发生改变,强调主语是单数人称动词加-s或- es) 一般疑问句Do you do sth Yes I do ./ No , I don’t. Does he/she do sth Yes he does./ No he doesn’t. 在主语人称前添do 或does 动词变回原型 (6---8课 主题确定形式祈使句) 一、课题 6、pass me the hammer. 7、hurry up. 8、I am sorry. 二、单词与短语 Pass me the hammer . 把递给我 Mend the desk and chair 修理 Move the computer away. 请把移开 Put the kettle on. 请放上水壶。 Take it off again. 请再把它拿下来。 Hurry up. 赶快。 be late for 名词 做什么事迟到了。 The film has begun. 电影已经起先了。 Classes begin at eight. 八点钟上课假如是单数人称Begins 要加-s Have a try. 试一试 My bike is broken 我的自行车坏了。 Go to your sit and sit down. 请回到你的座位上坐下。 I am tired. 我累了。 三、句型 1、May I help you 同义句Let me help you 2、What can I do 答语为一个祈使句。 3、There is a football match./ basketball match. 4、may I use your ____ I am sorry , I didn’t get my ____. 同义句I haven’t got my ___ 5、thanks a lot同义句thank you very much. 答语 You are welcome. / That’s OK . / That’s all right. 第 5 页


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