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四年级下英语期中测试-全能炼考_陕游版 (无答案)

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四年级下英语期中测试-全能炼考_陕游版 (无答案)

陕西旅游版四年级英语下册期中测试题 姓 名 年级 等级 一、按要求写出所给单词的正确形式。 1、I’m 完全形式() 2、has动词原形形式( ) 3、run动名词形式()4、 sheep复数形式( ) 5、thin反义词()6、Me, too中文意思( ) 7.too同音词( )8.thirteen( ) 9.four同音词 ()10.swim现在分词() 11.I形容词性的物主代词( ) 二.找出不同类的单词 1. A.boy B.girl C.woman D.desk 2. A.pen B.school C.pencil D.pencil_case 3. A.five B.seven C.first D.nine 4. A.blackboard B.chalk C.classroom D.friend 5. A.library B.classroom C.school D.paper 三.选择填空。10分 1.It’s 10 o’clock.It’s time ____ go to school. A.to B.for C.of 2. Look at the clock,what ____ is it A.class B.time C.can 3. It’s 945.It’s time ____ music class. A.to B.for C.of 4. It’s cold ____ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is 5. Can I wear my T-shirt_____ A.No,you can’t. B.Yes,you can’t. C.No,you can. 6.______name is Lucy. A.Me B.My C.I 7.How______you A.is B.am C.are 8.Nice______meet you. A.to B.at C.in 9.Where is JennyShe is____the library. A.in B.at C.on 10.Is this_____pen A.you B.yours C.your 11.What day is ____ A. tomorrowB. todayC. yesterday 12. ____ is the third day of the week A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday 13. It’s time ______ school . . A. forB. toC. in 14.-What day is it - It’s , A. threeB. third C. Friday 15 、I go to school ___ bus. A. onB. by C. at D. to 16 、I live ____ a house. A. on B. in C. at D. with 17 、Can you play ______me A. inB. at C. with D. to 18. 你是售货员,你见到顾客常说_____ A.How much are theyB.What time is itC.Can I help you )19.当你得到别人的帮助时,你应当说 A.Youre welcome . B.Thank you . C.Goodbye . ()20.你家来客时,你应当说 . A.GoodbyeB.Welcome.C.Yes, you are right. .四.英汉互译。(10分) 1.Englishclass________2.singsongs________ 3.吃早餐__ ________4.playbasketball_____________ 5打乒乓球__ _____6.playground______ ____ 7.足球______________ 8.fifteen ______________ 9.get up______________ 10. 洗脸______________ 五.把下列单词分类,填序号既可。(10分) ①jacket②nine③pear④math⑤shirt⑥orange ⑦three ⑧P.E. ⑨sunny ⑩cloudy Fruit水果___ ______ Numbers数字____ _____ Clothes(衣服)____ ____Weather天气______ ___ Class课程____ _____ 六.连词成句。(10分) 1.your T-shirt is that 2. What , you , are , doing 3. it colour is what 4.two it o’clock is . 5puter my is this . 6.jumping rope she is . 7.hammer the me pass . 七、依据所给单词提示,找规律写出所缺单词。 onefivesevennine WednesdayThursdaySaturday breakfastsupper afternoonevening 八. 依据问句,选择答句。(20分) 1.M


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