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四年级下英语期中测试-轻巧夺冠_人教版 (pep) 绥棱县第一小学(无答案)

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四年级下英语期中测试-轻巧夺冠_人教版 (pep) 绥棱县第一小学(无答案)

绥棱县第一小学PEP英语四年级下册期中模拟试题 时间60分钟 班级 姓名 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 一、推断下列画线字母读音是否相同。(10分) 1. milk pig 2. cat hat 3. we me 4. bike rice 5. face grape 6. bed egg 7. fish kite 8. cake apple 9. he pen 10. no not 二、单词归类。12分 1.garden 2.thre 1.garden 2.three 3.dress 4.green 5.pants 6.music class 7 room 8.math class 9. red 10. canteen 11. seven12. art room 1. 数字类________ 2.课程类________ 3. 衣服类________ 4.颜色类________ 5. 房间类________ 6.地点类________ 三、写出下列短语的汉语意思。(8分) 1.go to school_____ 2. get up _____ 3. go to bed _____ 4. have lunch ______ 5. at school ______ 6. go home______ 7. this way,please.______8. what for______ 四、 选择正确的答案。20分 1. How many___ are there in your class A. student B. students C. / 2. ---Whose is it ----It’s___ dress. A. me B.my C. I 3. Let’s ______playground. A. go B. go to C. go to the 4. Welcome ____ our school. A. on B. to C. in 5. It’s time ____ go to school. A. for B. to C. of 6. Can I ___ a try A. have B.has C. / 7. It’s time____ English class. A. for B. to C. of 8. Whose is this It’s your baby ____ A. brother B. brother’s C. brothers’ 9. I like the white sweater____the green skirt. A. to B. on C. with 10. The canteen is ___ the first floor. A. on B. to C. in 五、补充句子。(18分) 1. Is this a_________讲台Yes, it is。 2. My jacket is ____黄色的and my jeans are___蓝色的 3. This is the ____地板.That is the___墙. 4. Is this your_____T-恤衫 ____,不 it isn’t. 5. It’s___九 o’clock, It’s time for_____语文class. 六、选择相对应的答语(10分) ( )1. Where is the gym A. Yes, it is. ( )2. What time is it B.It’s white. ( )3. Is that the music room C. On the first floor. ( )4. What colour is it D. They’re pants. ( )5.What are these E.It’s two o’clock. 七、推断正误。正确的打(√)错误的打()。(12分) John’s list At 7 o’clock- Put on my black and purple jacket. At 730- Go to school. At 9 o’clock-Go to Chinese class. At 10 o’clock-Read books in the library. At 12 o’clock-Eat lunch in the canteen. At 315-Take white shoes to P.E.class. 1.John goes to school at 7 o’clock. 2.John’s jacket is purple. 3.John is in the library at 11o’clock. 4. John eats lunch in the canteen. 5. John goes to English class at 10 o’clock. 6. John has black shoes. 八、文化广角。(10分) 1. London 的代表建筑物是______ A.自由女神像 B. 大本钟 2. Sydney的代表建筑物是_______ A.歌剧院 B


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