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四年级下英语教案-Lesson 1 How Delicious_(EEC)

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四年级下英语教案-Lesson 1 How Delicious_(EEC)

Lesson1 How Delicious 一、学情分析 本课是四年级学生开学后的第一课时,大部分学生还沉醉在开心的寒假生活和庆祝的过大年气氛中,很难要他们立刻回到课堂当中来。并且有相当一部分学生在听、说、读、写各方面的实力都有所下降。因此,我在本课设计上结合本课“Spring Festival”春节这个话题,从学生感爱好的事物入手,绽开听说练习,先让孩子们的眼、耳、口和脑动起来,再让孩子们的心回到课堂当中来,最终轻松开心地学到了新的学问。 二、教学目标 1、学问目标 (1)能听、说、读、写词汇birthday, like, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, beautiful, yourself, delicious, dumplings, these, lanterns, look at, look up, night, wonderful (2)能驾驭并运用句型(划线部分为重点句型) Is it your birthday No, it’s not. It’s Spring Festival. What’s Spring Festival It’s like New Year’s Day. Oh, I see. Help yourself to dumplings How delicious You look beautiful Thanks. What are these They’re dumplings. What do you do on Spring Festival. At night we look at the lanterns. Look up there It’s a lantern. How wonderful 2、实力目标 (1)学会说介绍中国传统文化及饮食的用语。 (2)学会说向对方劝用食品的用语。 (3)学会说How开头的感叹句。 3、情感目标 (1)激发学生了解中国传统文化的爱好。 (2)培育学生的爱国热忱。 三、教学重难点 (1)重点词汇birthday, like, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, beautiful, yourself, delicious, dumplings, lanterns, wonderful的教学和句型What’s Spring Festival It’s like New Year’s Day. Help yourself to dumplings. How delicious的听说实力训练。 (2)难点劝用食品用语的教学。 教会学生区分和运用句型What is thisthat It’s a dumpling. What are thesethose They’re dumplings. 四、教学打算 1、CAI课件 2、录音机和录音带。 五、教学过程 教学环节 学情预设及策略 Step1 Greetings TGood morning,class. Nice to see you,again. Step2 Warming up 1.Sing a song --- “Happy New Year”. 2.Free talk--- Talk something about “Winter Holiday”. Step3 Presentation 1Show some pictures of “Spring Festival”. 2Show some pictures of “birthday”. 3Show some pictures of “New Year’s Day”. Step4 Learning 1Learn words birthday Spring Festival New Year’s Day 强调整日首字母大写 1 spell and read 2 listen and reapeat 2Learn drills 1Look at the picture of “Spring Festival”. TIs it your birthday SsNo, it’s not. It’s Spring Festival. TYes, you’re clever. It’s Spring Festival. It’s like New Year’s Day.(CAI shows) 新旧学问比较记忆与理解 It’s like... 像......似的 It looks like.... 看起来像......似的 2TDo you understand SsYes. TSo you can say Oh, I see. (CAI shows) 3TWhat do you do on “Spring Festival” 老师在有关春节内容的图片中指出包饺子的一幅图并提问 T What are these SsDumplings. TThey’re dumpings. Ss repeat. 老师再指其中一个饺子问(学问扩展) TWhat is it并引导学生回答It’s a dumping. T shows the picture on P12 and ask the questions What is thisthat What are thesethose Ss answer the questions It’s a . They’re . 老师接着指图提问 TWhat are they doing SsThey’re making dumplings. TYes. We make dumplings on Spring Festival. Ss listen and repeat. 4TCan you make dumpings SsYes, I can./No, I can’t. TI can make dumplings, too. Look I made them. CAI shows THow delicious (表情做出好吃状) Help yourself(手势做出劝用食品状) 讲解 delicious 美味的 yourself 你自己 是your的反身代词 myself我自己 老师领读这两个句子。 学生跟读。 5讲解以How开头的感叹句。 6T


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