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四年级下英语教案-Lesson 9 We are Taking Photos_(EEC)

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四年级下英语教案-Lesson 9 We are Taking Photos_(EEC)

教学内容 Lesson9 We’re taking photos 设 计 者 第1 课时/总4课时 备课日期 上课日期 教学目标 学问目标Vocabulary can/cold/come/hang/help/look Sentence patterns We’re hanging Christmas lights. Can you help me Sure, I can. 实力目标Can read the passage and understand the meaning of the main points. 德育目标Raise the good hobby. 教学重点 Can use the sentences to talk with other students. 教学难点 How to understand the meaning of the sentence We’re hanging Christmas lights. 教学打算 预习要求 Some cards. Tape and recorder. Preview the new lesson. 教材分析 本课的内容是同学们开展有意义的班级活动的情景。重点是训练同学们相聚时的有关对话。 教学活动过程设计 教学流程 老师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Greeting Step2Lead in Step3Presentation Step4 Practice a, Say hello to the students b. Listen to a wonderful songMerry Christmas Do you know what’s the biggest最大的festival in many foreign countries Yeah, do you know what we should do before it Please turn to P116,let’s have a look at what are they doing for the Christmas a. Talk about the content of the text. b. Give the tape c. Ask and answer d.Can you . read a book /play soccer/ play the piano/. Listen to the chant. 1. Pre-listening 2. While-listening 3. Post-listening 4. Activities. listen to the chant again. 5. Listen and speak. Check it out Say hello to the teacher then sing with the tape. Christmas. Ask and answer. Listen and speak. 通过听歌曲创设情景,把学生引入要过圣诞节的情景。 干脆切入主题,便于学生理解课文内容。 板书设计 Lesson9 We’re taking photos. cold We’re hanging Christmas lights. come Can you help me look Sure, I can. 作业 课堂或 课后 Write the new words and sentences . Read the dialog. Recite the dialog. Preview next lesson . 教学内容 Lesson9 We’re taking photos. Part2 设 计 者 第2课时/总4课时 备课日期 上课日期 教学目标 学问目标Vocabulary great/how many/hundred/lights/turn/wonderful 1. Sentence patterns How many lights About .. . 实力目标Can read the passage and understand the meaning of the main points. 德育目标Raise the good hobby. Can use the sentences to talk with other students. 教学重点 How to understand the meaning of the word about 教学难点 Can read the passage and understand the meaning of the main points. 教学打算 预习要求 Some cards. Tape and recorder. Preview the new lesson. 教材分析 本课的内容是同学们开展有意义的班级活动的情景。重点是训练同学们相聚时的有关对话。 教学活动过程设计 教学流程 老师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Greetings Step2Lead in Step3Presentation Step4 Practice Step5 Homework Say hello to the student And review the last lesson’s content Please turn to P118,let’s have a look at what are they doing else for the Christmas First, join the beat let the students listen to the tape and read after it. Second, Listening Fun listen to the tape,while look at the pictures, and then read after the tape. Play a game “Do the action”. And do the practises“Chant Chant Listen and Speak” Do the last part Ch


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