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四年级下英语教案-Review Module_外研社(三起)

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四年级下英语教案-Review Module_外研社(三起)

课 题 Review Module 课 时 综合 教 学 目 标 1. Go over the conten of the whole book. 2. Complete each activity and each practice to consolidate the knowledge learnt this term. 3. Be able to use all kinds of drills and conversation. 重 点 Have the students complete each activity rightly. 教具 cards tape-recorder pictures 难 点 Use all kinds of drills and dialogue. 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Warmer 1. Put the students into groups of four or five. Tell them to think of all the words they know for Each of these categories countries, clothes, sports, jobs 2. Only one student in each group needs to write down the ideas of the group. 3. Now get the students to read out their ideas and put the words under each category. Step 2 Do activities in the book. 1. Have a game Do and answer. Before starting the game do a quick brainstorm. 2. Tell the students that the teacher is going to call out a category and the students have to think of all the things they know in that category. 3. Don’t write the answers on the board because this is just a quick brainstorm to refresh their memories. Examples T Sports. S Football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, volleyball. T Jobs. S Teacher, doctor, nurse, taxi driver, bus driver, dancer. T Cities. S Beijing, London, New York. 4. Continue like this very quickly revise the categories before starting the activity. Then the students have to play in groups. 5. On the board write down the following categories number, colour, country, subject, month, food, toy, day, sport 6. Now tell the students to work in pairs. One student has to say an item from one of the categories and the other student has to say the category. Examples S1; Red. S2 Colour. S1 Noodles. S2 Food. 7. Get the students to continue like this. It will give them lots of practice and help them revise lots of words. Step 3 Summarize this module Tell the students they review the content of the whole book from this module. Step 4 Homework Write a letter to Oscar and tell him what you did and what you didn’t do yesterday. write down the ideas of the group. refresh their memories. work in pairs revise lots of words. 板 书 设 计 Sports. Football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, volleyball. Jobs. Teacher, doctor, nurse, taxi driver, bus driver, dancer. Cities. Beijing, London, New York. 教 后 记 Students can mast the words and sentences. But no freely. 第一模块 Module1 Friends Module one Friend Unit 1 she is a nice teacher Unit 2 Hes cool 其次模块 Module2 London Unit 1 London is the capital of England Unit 2 This is the river Thames. 第三模块 Module 3 Picnic Unit 1Will you take your kite Unit 2 On Monday I’ll go swimming. 第四模块 Module 4 Robots Unit 1Robots will do everything U


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