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四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)

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四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)

Topic Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum. Teaching aims 1. Master new words such as had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past . 3. Use past tense to describe what happened yesterday, such as I Helped Mum. Sam watched TV. Amy phoned Grandma Important points and difficulties Rules of changing a verb into its past and sentences of describing the past Teaching time one period[ Teaching procedures Step1. Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. A game named “I say you do.” To review some phrases such as read a book, fly a kite, take pictures, go swimming, row a boat, play football. 3. Chant together. Yesterday was a holiday. It was a beautiful day. We rowed a boat on the lake. We all had a very happy day. Step2. Presentation 1. Show some pictures to review some phrases and compare them between using in today and using in yesterday. 2. Teach students some rules of changing a verb into its past . 3. Play the video and ask students to work in groups to finish the . At last, ask some groups to show their answers. Step3. Practice[ 1. Do the right choice. 2. Pair-work. Make a dialogue like follows A What did you do yesterday B I washed clothes yesterday. 3. Group-work. What did Amy’s family do yesterday Look at the picture and discuss the question in groups. At last, one student will present your group to tell us what they did yesterday Step4. Summary Step5.Homework Tell your friend what you did yesterday. Blackboard Design Unit 1 I helped Mum 1.)ed help --- helped wash --- washed cook --- cooked watch --- watched 2. d phone --- phoned 3.特别状况 do --- did have --- had 第 2 页


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