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四年级下英语单元学问点期未复习总结 备注 1. Words1属于“四会”(娴熟认、读、背诵、听写)单词,Words2要求能娴熟认、读、听、说。 2. Sentences1要求能理解,娴熟驾驭并敏捷运用。 Sentences2要求能理解,娴熟认读,背诵。 Starter unit Words1 clothes love many place trousers uni school uni 衣服 爱 很多 地方 裤子 制服 校服 year tree tea flag best boring 年级 树 茶 旗帜 最好的 无聊的 Sentences 1 1. Where are you from 你来自哪儿 --I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。我是新来的同学。 2. What about you 你呢 3. Let’s be friends. 让我们交个挚友吧。 Sentences 2 1. Have you got a school uni 你有校服吗 --Yes, I have. 是的,我有。 2. What is your uni like 你的校服是什么样的 --It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。 3. Do you like the uni 你宠爱你的校服吗 --No, I don’t. It’s boring. 不,我不宠爱。太单调无趣了。 4. Do you wear your uni everyday 你们每天都穿校服吗 --Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。 Unit 1 Time 时间 Words1 clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike 钟 手表 一半 午夜 小时 分钟 慢的 敲,报时 整点和半点的表达 o’ clock half past Phrases词组) get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed 起床 去上学 吃午饭 做运动 回家 睡觉 do my homework 做我的家庭作业 Sentences 1 1. 询问时间 What time is it What’s the time 现在几点了 --- It’s two o’clock. 现在是2点钟。 ----It’s half past twelve. 现在是12点半。 2. What time do you 你几点做.. --I at half past six. 我6点半做 ---I .at six o’clock. 我6点做 例What time do you get up 你几点起床 ---I get up at half past six. 我6点半起床。 What time do you go to school 你几点去上学 ---I go to school at seven o’clock. 我7点钟去上学。 What time do you have lunch 你几点吃午饭 ---I have lunch at twelve o’clock. 我12点钟吃午饭。 What time do you do sport 你几点做运动 ---I do sport at four o’clock. 我4点钟做运动。 What time do you do your homework 你几点做你的家庭作业 ---I do your homework at seven o’clock. 我7点钟做我的家庭作业 What time do you go to bed 你几点睡觉 ---I go to bed at half past nine. 我9点半去睡觉。 3. have/has got 有 当句子主语是第三人称单数(he/she/ it)时,用has got; 当句子主语是第一人称I/we,其次人称you和第三人称复数时, 用have got 例I’ve I have got a clock. 我有一个时钟。 You’ve You have gotgot a clock. 你有一个时钟。 He’s He has gotgot a clock. 他有一个时钟。 She’s She has gotgot a clock. 她有一个时钟。 4. How many are there in a/an 一.有多少. ----There are in a 例How many days are there in a week 一周有多少天 ---There are seven days in a week. 一周有7天。 How many hours are there in a day 一天有多少个小时 ---There are twenty-four hours in a day. 一天有24小时。 How many minutes are there in an hour 一小时有多少分钟 ---There are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有60分钟。 Sentences 2 1. It is half past three on the clock on the table. 在桌子上的时钟现在是3点半。 2. One is the other is.一个另外一个. One is on the floor, the other is on a chair. 一个(钟)在地板上,另外一个在一把椅子上。 3. That can’t be the time. 不行能是那个时间。 4. Your watch is 30 minutes slow. 你的表慢了30分钟。 5. What’s the time on your watch, Dad 爸爸,你的表现在几点了 6. At two o’clock my crazy c


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