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小学四年级英语单元练习三 Module 3 Sports 学校______________ 姓名______________ 班别_______________ 学号___________ 听力部分(40) 一、听句子,选出句子中含有的信息,并把大写字母编号写在括号内。(7) ( )1. A. the long jump B. the high jump C. jumping high ( )2. A. running slowly B. running fast C. running well ( )3. A. getting up B. getting down C. getting the baton ( )4. A. playing football B. playing badminton C. playing table tennis ( )5. A. catching up B. catching the mice C. catching the bus ( )6. A. running B. swimming C. falling ( )7. A. well B. fast C. slowly 二、听录音,将所听到句子的大写字母编号写在相应图的括号里。(12) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 三、听对话,依据对话选择问题的答案。(5) ( )1. What is Yongxian doing A. He is running. B. He is skipping. C. He is swimming. D. He is singing. ( )2. What is Sarah’s mother doing A. She is looking at sarah. B. She is going home. C. She is waving to Sarah and her friend. D. She is watching TV. ( )3. What is Mr. Chen good at A. Playing cards. B. Playing chess. C. Playing computer games. D. Playing basketball. ( )4. Which is true about Jane’s sister A. She likes swimming and she ‘s good at it. B. She likes swimming, but she’s not good at it. C. She is good at swimming, but she doesn’t enjoy it. D. She is not good at swimming, and she doesn’t like it. ( )5. What is Yongxian doing A. He is playing the guitar. B. He is listening to the radio. C. He is making a radio. D. He is watching TV. 四、听录音,把相关的内容连线。一起来相识我们的雅典奥运会冠军吧。(6) Zhang Ning is good at running. Xing Huina is good at playing badminton. Zhang Guozheng is good at weight-lifting. Zhang Yining is good at playing table tennis. Sun Tiantian and Li TIng are good at playing tennis. Luo Xuejuan is good at swimming. 五、听录音,在横线上填写单词,使句子完整。(5) 1. __________ __________ are you good at 2. China has __________ gold medals __________ the 36th World Table Tennis Championships. 3. Is the girl jumping __________ or __________ 4. Jiaming is __________ __________ now. 5. Jim is __________ __________ the dog. 六、听短文,指出下面的句子与短文内容是否一样,如一样写“T”,否则写“F”。(5) ( )1. The rabbits are doing the high jump and they can jump high. ( )2. The frogs are doing the high jump. ( )3. The cats and the dogs are running slowly. ( )4. There are some pigs running across the field now. ( )5. One old pig is falling over. 笔试部分(60) 七、依据图,写出相应的词组短语。(12) 1. d______ the l______ jump 2. d______ the h______ jump 3. p______ b_______ 4. g______ the b______ 5. f______ o________ 6. c_______ u_______ 八、看图,依据所给的字母提示写出词组。(8) 1. A. The boy can jump high. B. The boy can jump low. 2. A. The boy is good at running. B. The boy is bad at running. 3. A. The boy is running slowly. B. T


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