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思科认证考试(CCNA)考试模拟题2039及答案1-思科认证试题 --------------------------------------- Questions 20. [TxNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over token ring, and Host B is not active a The packet will time out. b The packet will be removed by Host A. c The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet. d The packet will die when it reaches the terminator. e The packet will be removed by the token monitor. 21. [TxNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over token ring Host A dies after transmitting, and Host B is not active a The packet will time out. b The packet will be removed by Host A. c The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet. d The packet will die when it reaches the terminator. e The packet will be removed by the Active monitor. 22. [FxNx] BECN and FECN are a Used to provide keepalives in a Frame Relay environment b Used to provide error checking in a Frame Relay environment c Used to provide congestion ination in a Frame Relay environment d Used to provide flow control parameters in a Frame Relay environment e BECN and FECN are not used in a Frame Relay environment. 23. [RxNx] Which of the following are benefits of a Link-State routing protocol Choose all that apply. a Allows the use of a more robust addressing scheme. b Allows for a larger scalable network c Reduces convergence time d Allows supernetting e All of the above. 24. [OxNx] Which of the following are reasons for the OSI model a Standardizes interfaces b Allows modular engineering c Facilitates learning and teaching d All of the above. 25. [RxNx] Which of the following is NOT a ROUTING protocol a OSPF b RIP c IPX d EIGRP e NLSP 26. [RxNx] Which statement is NOT true about link state protocols a Link state advertisements are sent to all routers in an area. b Each router cutes the SPF algorithm. c Link state routers keep a topological database of the network. d Link state routers include the originating router s routing table. e Link state routers know of possible alternate paths to a particular network. 27. [RxNx] Which of the following would NOT appear in a routing table a Next hop address b Interface Port references c MAC address d Network address e Metrics 28. [OxNx] Which statement is true of the Datalink OSI layer a 802.3 is the MAC sub layer. 感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用


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