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v1.0 可编辑可修改 仁爱英语八年级上册U1T1SA学导案 2014级备课组 向小春 宋翃文 张樱子 课题 名称 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 第1 课时 课型 Problem – Solving Class 课程标准 1. 能熟练掌握和运用Section A 的有关生词,短语 2. 能理解,掌握和运用“be going to 动词原形”表示将来 3. 能听懂他人提出的建议和请求,能用英语提出建议和请求 4. 能听懂,读懂和写出关于自己最喜欢的体育活动 5. 能听,说,读,写谈论将来打算的对话或短文 学习目标 (一)知识与能力目标 1. Master some useful words and expressions 2. Master future tense with “be going to” 3. Talk about preference 4. Talk about sports and games. (二)过程与方法目标讨论,探究 (三)情感与价值观目标培养学生热爱体育运动的兴趣和爱好 重点难点 重点1. be going to的用法 2. 生词prefer 的用法 难点 be going to 的用法 学习过程 评价任务(内容,问题,试题) 学习活动(方式,行为,策略 【模块一】 1. Questions 2. New words in Part 2 3. Conversation in Part 2 【模块二】 1. Section A 1a 2. rcises in the Problem-oriented Guide 【模块三】 1. rcises in the Problem-oriented Guide 2. The usage of “be going to v.” 【模块四】 1. Section A 1b 2. Section A 3 3. rcises in the Instant Training. 【模块五】 1. Useful words and expressions in Section A 2. be going to v. 【模块六】Homework 1. Remember the new words and phrases 2. Recite 1a and 2 3. Write a short passage 4. Finish the Further Training. 【针对模块一】Creating Situations Presenting Problem. 1. The teacher plays PPT to creating situations and presenting problems. 2. The students discuss and try to find out the answers to the questions 3. Students make similar conversations according to Part 2 4. The teacher chooses several groups to show their answers 5. The teacher gives appraisals and correct students’ mistakes if necessary. 【针对模块二】Independent Learning Cooperative Exploration 1. The teacher teaches the new words 2. Students read 1a by themselves and underline important words and phrases. 【针对模块三】Communicative Presentation Normative Instruction 1. Students try to finish the rcises on the paper and try to solve their own problems by discussing and helping each other. 2. Students try to summary the usage of “be going to v.” 3. The teacher chooses several groups to show their answers 4. The teacher gives appraisals and correct students’ mistakes if necessary. 【针对模块四】Instant Training Summarizing Improvement 1. Students finish the rcises 2. The teacher chooses several groups to show their answers 3. The teacher gives appraisals and correct students’ mistakes if necessary. 【针对模块五】 The teacher helps students to summary what they have learned this class. 【针对模块六】 Students finish the rcise after class 课后反思 仁爱英语八年级上册U1T1SB学导案 初2014级备课组 向小春 宋翃文 张樱子 课题 名称 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section B 第1 课时 课型 Problem – Solving Class 课程标准 1. 能熟练掌握和运用Section B 的有关生词,短语 2. 能理解,掌握和运用“be going to v”表示将来 3. 能听懂关运动会及奥运会的对话和短文 4. 能用简短的句子谈论自己梦想的工作和未来的计划 5. 能用简短的句子谈论运动会及奥运会 6. 能读懂简短的运动会及奥运会方面的文章 学习目标 (一)知识与能力目标 1. Master some useful words and expressions 2. Master some useful sentences 3. Go on learning the future tense with “be going to v.”


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